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Baby Backpack - Let Your Little One Explore From A Great Height

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Doctor William Sears, a pediatrician, coined the term "baby wearing" for those parents who "wear" their infants in a baby backpack.
While it's true that this is a relatively new term, baby wearing has been around for as long as there have been babies in the world.
There's no doubt that you have probably heard the term that "a held baby is a happy baby" and there is a reason for that.
Being held is a need that all babies have from the moment they are born.
For nine months infants are held in their mother's womb and feel the comfort of being rocked as she moves around.
Being held after babies are born promotes bonding and helps infants feel safe, just as they did when they were in the womb.
By holding a new baby, you are essentially helping them to adjust to the new world around them.
When it comes to choosing a Baby Backpack for your infant, there are many different styles and options.
The Bushbaby Lite is designed with your baby's comfort in mind.
It includes a sleep cushion along with a protective sun canopy that can fold flat and be stored in the base of the backpack.
The Lascal Carrier is a revolution when it comes to infant carriers.
This carrier is not only comfortable both for baby and for parent, but its built in back support will ensure that your baby's developing spine is straight at all times.
When you use a Baby backpack it actually helps to promote the physical development of your baby.
Natural movement helps with a baby's vestibular system and helps them to learn about balance.
Soft carriers like the Vaude Baby Carrier keeps a lot of the pressure off of a baby's head, which is still very soft and vulnerable to hard surfaces.
It has been shown that carrying your baby, whether you're doing chores around the house or are out running errands, helps to promote healthy hip development.
Using a baby carrier is also a great way for father's and other caregivers to bond with new infants while at the same time giving new mums a much needed break.
Using a baby backpack also helps to keep infants safe while you and your family are out and about.
Whether shopping or enjoying a day in the park, your infant will be held securely in the backpack, allowing your hands to be free.
Utilizing a baby carrier is also beneficial if you have other children to take care of.
These backpacks allow you to meet the needs of the new baby while still allowing you to do all the other things around the house that need to get done.

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