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When is a Female Most Likely to Become Pregnant? 3 Herbs That Increase Her Odds!

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Understanding when a female is most likely to become pregnant will help you increase those odds.
Getting pregnant is not yet an exact science because we are still learning more about the body.
For that reason there is still some chance involved.
Increasing the odds of when a female is most likely to become pregnant has much to do with the stability of hormone levels.
Estrogen and progesterone levels should be balanced.
There are many different ways to assist this balancing act.
First let's go over the drugs that can disrupt hormone stability.
Fertility Drugs It is important to understand that fertility drugs when used properly can assist a female in being most likely to become pregnant but some of these drugs can change hormone levels also.
There are uses for these drugs in certain situations but we recommend working with natural methods that don't fluctuate hormone levels whenever possible.
- Clomid involves the risk of ovarian cancer - Luprin can cause menopause like side effects - Tamoxifen can cause endometriosis, endometriel cancer and clotting Natural pregnancy methods Females have been using herbs to be prepped in the most likely state to become pregnant but do these methods really work? The answer is yes, some of them.
Today we have confirmation that some of these herbs are in fact effective in increasing the odds for a female to become pregnant.
Folic Acid- Is a universally known help concerning pregnancy likelihood and healthy infant likelihood.
Chaste Tree- Increases progesterone levels by 52%.
Actually helps PMS symptoms so they are less drastic, regulates menstruation and prevents miscarriage.
Green Tea- Keeps the menstrual cycles normal, can increase fertility by up to 250 percent, with the chaste tree can increase conception likely hood by 300 percent! Some Foods to Avoid and/or Regulate -Caffeine- keep caffeine levels very low as they affect hormone levels -Animal Proteins- replace with plant proteins when possible.
Limit soy intake however -Pees- pees contain a chemical that makes pregnancy quite a bit more difficult Exercise and rest Exercise definitely helps.
Females that exercise on top of proper diet utilization are most likely to become pregnant.
- 20-25 percent body fat is healthy for pregnancy Rest and Meditation- Females that do deep breathing and meditation for 20 minutes are most likely to become pregnant also.
This practice helps the body work in a calm balanced way while keeping hormone levels stable.
Studies have indicated that this type of consistent relaxation has a great deal to do with pregnancy likelihood.
Practicing these things will get you on the right road to becoming pregnant.
If doing these things is a lot for you to take on, start small.
It's important to engage in activities that don't raise stress levels.

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