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What is a "Wet" Dream? - Nocturnal Emission of the Male Orgasm

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In the male, a Nocturnal Emission is a process that occurs during sleep, when a man creates an erection and carries it out to a full-blown orgasm with ejaculation.
They are fairly common among adolescent men.
What are they and why does this occur? There are two different factors that can cause a male erection and lead to orgasm.
The first is Psychogenic (mind-based) and the second is Exogenously Somatogenic (physical contact through external stimulation) in its propagation.
Nocturnal emissions come from the Psychogenic aspect of the neurological system.
Which means that they originate in the brain.
When a nocturnal emission happens, there is no physical stimulus to the penis; yet an orgasm can be achieved.
Many men experience these nocturnal emissions in their early years.
The reason for this is that there are only three methods of naturally relieving sperm from the body...
Let's back up a bit.
"Relieving sperm from the body?" - What does that mean? It means that sperm are constantly being produced by the body once a man reaches puberty.
Unlike women, who have a limited number of eggs, sperm are constantly being produced in the male.
Sperm, like any other creature, are mortal; meaning they have a limited life span.
Sperm that hang around in the testes too long, without being ejaculated, will die and cause a build-up of dead sperm which the body doesn't want.
Think of it as if they were past their "Sell-By Date.
" So, as a safety measure, the body will help get rid of this "old" sperm.
Back to the three ways: The first way to relieve the body from a build-up of sperm is to have sex followed by an orgasm.
This helps relieve the body of old sperm.
The second method is through masturbation followed by orgasm.
If these two applications are not met, then what is the next (and third) course of action for the body to do to release this aged sperm? The answer is Nocturnal Emissions AKA "Wet" Dreams.
While some scientists believe that some aged sperm will be absorbed by the body, the bottom line is that a man either has to have sex, masturbate, or have nocturnal emissions to ensure that the supply of sperm in the body is fresh and potent.
One of the main body's functions is to ensure reproductive abilities.
If sex or masturbation does not happen, then the third method is through Nocturnal Emission.
This happens mainly in the adolescent years; as a man at this age may not be schooled in masturbation and may not be having any sexual contact.
So the body steps in and while he is asleep, does what is necessary to create arousal followed by ejaculation.
In many cases, this process is accompanied by a "wet" dream which is erotic in nature.
Men find that these types of dreams occur less as they grow up into active adults.
This is because they have discovered masturbation or have become sexually active, so there is no need for nocturnal emissions.
To learn about Serious ways to Enlarge Your Orgasmic Ability, read IRON MAN PENIS.
Sincerely, Georg von Neumann

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