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Face of Man Skin Treatments

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An effective and sure way to regain a youthful appearance and see immediate results is through a microdermabrasion skin treatment, and you have more than a few options to attain that beautiful revitalized look again. You may wish to visit a spa where you can get a professional relaxing treatment, a dermatologist office, or you can purchase your own equipment to have the convenience of a facial in the comfort of your home.Any of these methods will produce a quality microdermabrasion skin treatment; it is merely a matter of preference and how much you are willing to spend. The best alternative if you want a regular facial is to purchase your equipment and perform the treatment at home anytime you desire.
Our Treatments:

Pigmentation: There is two types of skin pigmentation caused by an abnormal increase in melanin (pigment cells) due to photo aging (sun exposure). Commonly known as melasma and aged spots.Melasma are dark spots or blotches on the face, forehead and neck. This is usually caused by sun exposure and for women, associated with hormonal changes during pregnancy. Sun, age, or liver spots are benign flat brown spots that look like large brown freckles and a condition caused by chronic exposure to the sun rays. It occurs commonly on matured skins that have a tendency to sunburn and tan little or not at all. Our findings indicated that most men in their thirties onward, who travel back from oversea countries where the UV rays, are intense (such as Australia) and without using a sun block will suffer from pigmentation on the cheeks or forehead.

Solution: Stem Infusion with ARBUTIN
This latest Japanese skin infusion procedure uses the osmosis technique of galvanic current. This oscillating electrical pulse created a vibration impact on the cellular wall to break open the cellular wall and allow a botanical skin lightening agent fortified with growth factors to catalyze the effect of depigmentation.Cost: $150

CHROMOLITE„ Depigmentation (IPL)
The latest Intense Pulse Light (IPL) treatment for pigmented skin condition using the renowned technology of the Smartlite„. It beams high intensity flashes onto the pigmented area of the skin. Since the hyper-pigmented areas are darker, it tends to absorb more light energy and heat is generated. The heat destroys the pigment cells and causes the skin to repair itself with new skin cells that has normal melanin production. For severe case of pigmentation, a topical lightening product is recommended for consistent use at home.Cost: $50 onwards

Using acidic extracts of various botanical products, known commonly as alpha hydroxyl acid or AHA. The acidic reaction occurs on the skin surface to allow a controlled wounding into deeper layers of the skin (dermis) so that so that new and healthier skin cells will develop. The procedure comes in various strength to suit individual skin type and for consistent yet progressive exfoliation that reduces or eliminates post acne scars and mild accidental scars. It is also ideal for even red blemished marks left by acne pustules. It is non invasive and suitable for all skin types.Cost: $120

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