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How to Prevent Cold Sores - Learn the Tricks to Keep Them Away!

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If you experience cold sores on a regular basis, you need to read this article to learn how to prevent cold sores.
Most people try to treat the cold sores as they appear, but it is more effective to take preventative steps to stop the outbreaks from even starting the the first place.
Most people try to use cold sore treatments such as creams and pills to stop the cold sore virus, but there are other more natural cold sore remedies that can be done from the comforts of your own home.
Because there is no cure for cold sores, you will need to take a proactive approach to learn how to prevent cold sores.
Some of the cold sore causes include stress, direct sunlight, diet and nutrition, hygiene, and other factors.
High levels of stress can bring on a cold sore outbreak, so you should try to keep the stress levels low.
If you are under a lot of stress, take a little time to relax and unwind.
Make sure you are getting enough sleep at night, and follow a regular sleeping pattern.
Avoid direct sunlight.
If you know that you are going to be out in the sun for extended periods on time, wear a wide brimmed hat.
You may also want to lather your lips with sunblock to block the rays.
Maintain a healthy diet.
Make sure that you are getting enough Lysine, because studies have found that Lysine may help to prevent cold sores from forming.
You may even consider taking Lysine supplements on a regular basis as a preventative measure.

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