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Gainesville Eye Associates offer a variety of modern vision treatments

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As medicine advances, so does the ability of care providers to offer new, uniquely modern techniques that allow patients to restore their eyesight. At the Gainesville Eye Center, proven modern treatments are the forefront of operations and offer visitors many different choices for getting their vision troubles corrected.

Gainesville is actually the first location in Georgia to perform a particular type of bladeless cataract surgery that features lasers as the surgical tool of choice. The human eye is an extremely delicate part of the body, so the incredible precision of lasers helps to generate a faster and more accurate procedure without risking damage to other areas of the eye. The direction of the laser itself is planned into a computer, allowing for perfect accuracy each and every time alongside the other benefits, such as faster recovery time and a reduced chance of new problems developing after the surgery. However, patients who are concerned about this process and would prefer an alternate form of vision correction can still pick from traditional options such as glasses or newer choices like implanted lens.

Several other types of surgeries are also offered at Gainesville, including surgeries that are highly effective at removing cataracts and allowing patients to enjoy clear vision once again. After the operation, the eye will be carefully monitored for signs of distress or complications, after which patients will almost always be back to their daily routine.

Lasik Eye Surgery is another popular option. Unlike some forms of surgery, Lasik is effectively a cosmetic procedure in that it seeks to improve something rather than eliminate a medical problem. Several different versions of this procedure are available at the Georgia Eye Clinic that Gainesville runs, meaning that patients can be sure they have access to the right version of the procedure for whatever their needs may be.

Outside of surgical procedures, options like glasses and contact lens provide an alternative way to enjoy corrected vision - and without the risk of complications associated with surgery. This is often helpful for correcting minor vision issues.

As you can see from the above options, there are many things that can go wrong with an eye... But the Gainesville Eye Center is proud to be a full-service institution that complies with all legal, ethical, and medical standards for the safe and effective regulation of the eye care industry. For more information on the various kinds of procedures that are offered at the center, or to ask questions about elements of these procedures that haven't yet been answered, visit the Gainesville Eye Center on the web or call 770-532-4444.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Many of the services offered by the Gainesville Eye Center are medical procedures. You should always discuss these procedures and your alternative options with a qualified medical professional prior to requesting that the procedure be performed. Some of the procedures offered may have risks, up to and including permanent damage to the eye in the event of a sudden, serious malfunction of the equipment used to perform the procedures or other unexpected events. Not every procedure offered at the Gainesville Eye Center is suitable for every individual, as unique circumstances may have an impact on the ability of the center to provide surgical procedures as advertised. For more information about the medical aspects of these procedures, consult with a qualified provider of medical care.

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