Why Quit Smoking?
It silently creeps into your life and you barely notice it.
It makes you feel good, calms you down and is always there for you.
It distracts you from you problems, helps you get through the rough times and always keeps you company.
But slowly it starts to become more and more aggressive as it becomes a more permanent part of your life.
It wants you to spend more and more time with it, spend more money on it and never put it down.
It doesn't want to be limited in any way and wants you to consume it frequently.
Any thoughts of putting it down or quitting are whisked away by a constant nagging and if you do manage to stop for a few days you are met with an all out attack of withdrawal symptoms, major discomfort and sometimes physical pain.
The more time that goes by, the more that this once calming friend tightens its crippling grip on you.
Your mornings which were once blissful and invigorating become a violent rage of coughing and choking and hacking up, while struggling just to breath.
Your life, not to mention your money is being slowly sucked away from you and you feel like there is nothing that you can do.
You may even tell yourself that it will never hurt you, but you know deep down that you can't get away with it forever.
As even more time goes by your body becomes more drained day after day.
You feel like absolute shit almost all the time...
and then you realize that it's time to make a decision.
You wonder if you can do it and I'm telling you that you can! You think that you will fail and I'm telling you that you can't! You really want to feel better and I'm telling you that you will...
It's time to quit smoking.
It makes you feel good, calms you down and is always there for you.
It distracts you from you problems, helps you get through the rough times and always keeps you company.
But slowly it starts to become more and more aggressive as it becomes a more permanent part of your life.
It wants you to spend more and more time with it, spend more money on it and never put it down.
It doesn't want to be limited in any way and wants you to consume it frequently.
Any thoughts of putting it down or quitting are whisked away by a constant nagging and if you do manage to stop for a few days you are met with an all out attack of withdrawal symptoms, major discomfort and sometimes physical pain.
The more time that goes by, the more that this once calming friend tightens its crippling grip on you.
Your mornings which were once blissful and invigorating become a violent rage of coughing and choking and hacking up, while struggling just to breath.
Your life, not to mention your money is being slowly sucked away from you and you feel like there is nothing that you can do.
You may even tell yourself that it will never hurt you, but you know deep down that you can't get away with it forever.
As even more time goes by your body becomes more drained day after day.
You feel like absolute shit almost all the time...
and then you realize that it's time to make a decision.
You wonder if you can do it and I'm telling you that you can! You think that you will fail and I'm telling you that you can't! You really want to feel better and I'm telling you that you will...
It's time to quit smoking.