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How Can I Pay for Long-Term Health Care in Arizona

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The cost of health care in America seems to be on the rise, leaving more and more people wondering how they would pay for an emergency medical situation, should one occur. Unfortunately, some people cannot even afford the luxury of saving for an "emergency." Health care costs are just a fact of life for some people. Those in need of long-term health care often require medical exams, hospital visits, in-home services, or nursing facility care. Any of these things present a serious financial burden to someone who requires longer term care in Arizona.

Not only that, but it may become a burden to that person's family as well. Let's consider the cost of living in an Arizona nursing home, for example. The average monthly cost of nursing home care in Phoenix is about $6,500. For most people in need of nursing home care, that would present an expense that would overpower their income and assets and diminish their savings rapidly. At that point, they may consider turning to family members for help. Thus, one person's need for health care can affect his/her financial and personal life.

Luckily, Arizona has a Medicaid program in place to help individuals pay for the care they need. ALTCS, which stands for Arizona Long-Term Care System, provides Arizona citizens with financial assistance to help them pay for long-term care.

The facts about ALTCS - what, when, and how

ALTCS is a program designed to cover a wide variety of needs for Arizona citizens. Long-term health care can mean many different things, but ALTCS was established to help pay for them. Some of the services ALTCS covers include:

• Nursing home/facility care
• Acute care services, including visits to the doctor, hospital, or specialist
• Prescriptions
• X-rays
• Home-based health services, including home attendants and medical transportation

Because emergencies can (and do) happen at any time, it is important to have Medicaid (ALTCS) planning established as soon as possible. When individuals or their families hesitate to enroll in the ALTCS program, it only allows the medical situation to worsen, meaning that coverage through ALTCS will be harder to obtain.

Individuals wanting to use ALTCS to pay for their long-term care in Arizona must meet strict medical and financial requirements. The application process requires a declaration of income and assets, as well as proof of medical need. Some people, when they take an initial look at this list, give up on enrolling in ALTCS because they think they will not qualify for it. However, working with an experienced Arizona ALTCS attorney can help you qualify for the ALTCS program. Hiring an attorney will ensure that your application is completed in a way that is accurate and most likely to get you accepted into the program. Thus, even though a lawyer does present another financial responsibility, your investment will more than likely pay for itself as you reap the benefits of the ALTCS program.

If you or someone you love is in need of long-term health care in Arizona, consider hiring an attorney to answer your questions and get you started with the ALTCS program. It is, quite simply, your best solution for long-term health care in Arizona.


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