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Cancer Features Page

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Cancer Features Page

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FeaturesRelated to Cancer

  1. Cancer: Should You See a Specialist?

    A cancer diagnosis can be scary. You want to make sure you get the best treatment possible. But how do you know who to go to? No matter what type of cancer you have -- or whether you need surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or all three - should you see a doctor who specializes in your particular type
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  2. Carcinoid Tumors: When Surgery Isn't an Option

    When carcinoid tumors are at a more advanced stage, surgery may not be possible. However, other treatments can help manage these neuroendocrine tumors. Although these treatments don't cure the cancer, they can help slow or stop the growth of the tumor and ease symptoms. Depending on the location of
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  3. What Is Carcinoid Syndrome?

    Carcinoid syndrome is a set of symptoms caused by some carcinoid tumors, which grow out of cells that are part of the endocrine system. These tumors sometimes produce too many hormones, such as serotonin, which cause the symptoms of carcinoid syndrome. Carcinoid tumors are usually slow to grow and s
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  4. Top Trending Searches on WebMD in 2011

    Psychologists, social scientists, and even medical sleuths now mine Internet search trends for insights. Small wonder, day by day, hour by hour, the sudden popularity of particular search terms is a useful barometer of what moves, worries, or intrigues us. At WebMD, the terms vary widely, but the ca
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  5. Avastin Nixed for Breast Cancer Treatment

    The FDA has ruled that the cancer drug Avastin is no longer approved for treating advanced breast cancer -- but can still be used for other cancers. In a news release, the FDA stated that Avastin "has not been shown to be safe and effective" for treating breast cancer, but that Avastin would stay on
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  6. 5 Things Young Women Must Know About Breast Cancer

    Just a few months before learning that she had breast cancer, Christina Applegate got a shocking insight into the struggles faced by other young women also at high risk for the disease -- and who don’t have the resources of a Hollywood celebrity. Because her mother had battled breast cancer and ovar
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  7. Breast Cancer: Sex and Intimacy

    Having a serious illness almost always takes some kind of toll on your sex life. But breast cancer can bring all thoughts of intimacy and sexuality to a screeching halt. Treatments can bring on temporary -- and sometimes permanent -- premature menopause, making intercourse painful. Chemotherapy and
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  8. My WebMD: Caring for a Spouse with Cancer

    In April 2002, when the doctor told us my wife, Chris, had breast cancer, the first two words out of my mouth were "Oh" and a four-letter word. I felt shock and disbelief -- that this kind of thing happens to other people, not to us. I had no idea how I would handle this -- do all the caregiving, pl
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  9. Patty Jenkins' ‘Pearl’ Spotlights the Personal Side of Breast Cancer

    Director Patty Jenkins connected naturally to her new short film, Pearl, one of five intertwined vignettes in the Lifetime Original Movies anthology, Five. The film quintet premieres Oct. 10 as part of Lifetime TV's "Stop Breast Cancer for Life" initiative (
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  10. I'm Too Young to Get Breast Cancer!

    By Amy Engeler On September 2 of last year, Tomomi Arikawa left her office door open as she slipped out to her two o'clock sonogram appointment. She expected to return shortly — the imaging center was just across town from her office at ABC News, where she was a story editor for 20/20. At her gyneco
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