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Ameda Purely Yours - Giving Moms a Life Again

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There is no doubt that electric breast pumps make life much easier for new mothers.
Allowing them to provide their babies with all the benefits of breast milk, without being constantly attached to their child is invaluable for the mom that still wants a life of her own to some degree.
It works wonders for the workplace, where you can finish pumping in a matter of ten minutes.
However, the typical breast is far from perfect.
One of the annoying parts of using an electric breast pump is that moisture and excess milk often drips into the tubing, requiring a very involved cleanup after most pumps.
This wastes a lot of time.
The Ameda Purely Yours breast pump, however, solves this problem pretty well.
The Ameda pump includes a closed design, called the Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System.
It prevents milk and moisture from dripping or leaking into the tubing, and keeps it clean.
It effectively removes perhaps the most time-consuming part of using an electric or manual breast pump.
Let's say it takes you five minutes to clean out the tubing of your current Avent pump or whatever you use after pumping.
Depending on how much you use it, that time can add up.
You could be wasting a half hour per day, three hours per week, 12 hours per month! Think about what else you could be doing with that time.
Another wonderful amenity of the Ameda pump is the controls over the speed and suction levels at which it pumps.
Each mom is different, and everyone will produce the maximum amount of milk under different circumstances.
(by the way, being relaxed is the absolute best way to ensure you express the MOST milk possible) This pump puts the decision in your hands, and it even includes a let-down cushion to provide maximum comfort.
The Ameda Purely Yours breast pump is a fast and effective choice for any mom who consistently pumps every day.
For working mothers, who need to transport it, the pump is an exceptional solution.
It is compact, light, and relatively quiet.
It saves time with its dual pumping option, and saves even more time with the milk collection system.
Nothing else on the market matches it.

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