Tips To Having More Energy
People are looking for more energy.
Everyday people buy energy drinks, pills, potions and powders to find energy.
These energy tips will help you get the energy you need without all those foreign substances.
Before we start, I always want to ask if you have your focus today.
Do you have your goals, and are you looking at them? We want to be sure to start our days off right.
What is motivation? According to Psychology, by Myers, "Motivation is a need or desire that energizes one's behavior and actions to direct it towards a goal.
" Internal motivation Although you can get energy from motivational speakers, at the end of the day it is not the speaker who is giving you energy, it's you.
Energy comes from inside.
No one can motivate you.
Only you can motivate yourself.
What we do is give you ideas to awaken the energy inside you.
If we use the definition of motivation above, and you do not have a goal, focus,or direction that you are going in, you are going to lack motivation.
When people around you are not motivated, or not excited, they don't know where they are going.
They do not have clarity or focus.
Reason why The reason why will create motivation.
It is that need or desire described in the definition of motivation.
e only have so much time.
It is psychological time.
Whenyou get home from work and you've worked a hard day, what is your motivation, what are you going to do? If you don't have goals, obviously, you are not going to work on them.
If you don't have a big reason why, you are not going to go after your goals.
Let's look at an example.
You come home from work.
You are tired.
You want to feel better, which you say is your goal.
Now, that is not an effective goal, that is a vague goal, so you need a more specific goal.
ou feel and you know that you should work out, but you do not have a specific goal, and you do not have a eason for the goal.
You just want to feel better.
In this case, how much motivation are you going to have, when motivation comes internally, from within? No wonder most people just go home, plop on the couch, and watch TV.
That is an escape.
Getting motivated involves finding out what makes excites you, whee you want to go with your life, and get a reason why for yourself, so you can tap into that motivation and energy.
If you get the internal motivation and the big reason why you will live with more energy to pursue the life of your dreams.
Everyday people buy energy drinks, pills, potions and powders to find energy.
These energy tips will help you get the energy you need without all those foreign substances.
Before we start, I always want to ask if you have your focus today.
Do you have your goals, and are you looking at them? We want to be sure to start our days off right.
What is motivation? According to Psychology, by Myers, "Motivation is a need or desire that energizes one's behavior and actions to direct it towards a goal.
" Internal motivation Although you can get energy from motivational speakers, at the end of the day it is not the speaker who is giving you energy, it's you.
Energy comes from inside.
No one can motivate you.
Only you can motivate yourself.
What we do is give you ideas to awaken the energy inside you.
If we use the definition of motivation above, and you do not have a goal, focus,or direction that you are going in, you are going to lack motivation.
When people around you are not motivated, or not excited, they don't know where they are going.
They do not have clarity or focus.
Reason why The reason why will create motivation.
It is that need or desire described in the definition of motivation.
e only have so much time.
It is psychological time.
Whenyou get home from work and you've worked a hard day, what is your motivation, what are you going to do? If you don't have goals, obviously, you are not going to work on them.
If you don't have a big reason why, you are not going to go after your goals.
Let's look at an example.
You come home from work.
You are tired.
You want to feel better, which you say is your goal.
Now, that is not an effective goal, that is a vague goal, so you need a more specific goal.
ou feel and you know that you should work out, but you do not have a specific goal, and you do not have a eason for the goal.
You just want to feel better.
In this case, how much motivation are you going to have, when motivation comes internally, from within? No wonder most people just go home, plop on the couch, and watch TV.
That is an escape.
Getting motivated involves finding out what makes excites you, whee you want to go with your life, and get a reason why for yourself, so you can tap into that motivation and energy.
If you get the internal motivation and the big reason why you will live with more energy to pursue the life of your dreams.