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Effective Tips On How To Prolong Ejaculation And Last Longer During Sex Naturally

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If you are like the millions of men around the world who suffer from premature ejaculation you are no doubt embarrassed and frustrated by your ability to last minutes or even seconds during sex! Chances are you would like nothing more then to prolong your ejaculation but are unsure how, lets look at some ways in the article below! A Quick Note About Treating Premature Ejaculation Before you can get started treating your issues you need to understand that in most cases premature ejaculation is not considered an actual medical problem.
It is thought of as more of a mental and physical issue more then anything else.
By addressing both of these areas you can actually stop premature ejaculation naturally without medication! With that said lets move on! The Right Mindset Is Critical This is more important then guys realize when it comes to controlling yourself and your ejaculation during sex.
If you go into sex thinking you will fail or doubting yourself your odds of performing poorly increase rapidly! This is a snowball effect because the more it happens the worse the anxiety gets and it literally starts to feed off of itself and you will start to ejaculate even faster then you once did! Honesty And Communication Are Important The best way to get yourself at ease mentally is to first admit to yourself you have an issue with early ejaculation.
Next talk to your partner about it and get it out in the open.
Chances are she is just as frustrated as you are and will want to help you fix you problem! You may even discover she has some hang ups of her own that are holding her back as well.
This communication can go along way towards not only making sex last longer but building a better relationship! You Need To Relax Yourself If you enter into sex nervous and tense your pelvic muscle region will also be tense and this makes it hard to control that muscle group and premature ejaculation is usually the result.
keeping this muscle area relaxed is critical because it is next to impossible to ejaculate if you are relaxed down there, the muscle has to be tense for it to create an ejaculation.
Focus on keeping surrounding muscle groups relaxed as well.
This means your thighs, abs and even buttocks must be kept clam and relaxed.
Best Way To Relax Yourself Once you have the lines of communication with your partner open and that level of stress is lifted the best way to completely center yourself is with proper breathing.
If you are like most guys you almost instantly start rapid fast breathing.
All this does is tense the body and send excited signals to your brain so do the opposite and breath slowly and rhythmically, try it it really works wonders!

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