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Are You In Dire Need Of Binge Eating Therapy?

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The growing rate of people experiencing binge eating disorder is quite alarming.
Most of them are undiagnosed and are continuing the extremely harmful lifestyle.
You cannot fault people because most of those who are suffering refuse to admit to this disorder and usually are good at hiding it.
However, when the time comes that the tell-tale physical signs emerge such as being unusually thin or almost skeleton-like body or the opposite such as being extremely obese, you know that the person is in dire need of binge eating therapy.
There are ways of helping a person who is suffering from this malady get the binge eating therapy he or she needs.
You can try to do it at home by changing the diet but usually, in extreme cases where there is a huge risk of death due to the physical state of the body, you just have to get the person to the doctor and have this person checked into a binged eating treatment facility.
You cannot put food forever away from a person but as he or she is undergoing a binge eating therapy, you can slowly allow professional people to help ease back control and order into the life of the person and develop a healthy relationship with food and with his or her emotional problems.
There are three common ways to undertake a binge eating therapy which have proven to be effective and helpful.
The first one is the Cognitive-Behavioural therapy.
This form of psychological eating therapy helps the patients deal with difficult situations and scenarios in their lives.
The problem can be about how they perceive themselves physically or how other people see them.
It will eventually lead to the patient's acceptance of his or her body and feel more comfortable with it.
With the use of a food journal, this therapy keeps track of what he or she eats, how much and when he or she ate it.
Next is Interpersonal psychotherapy wherein the focus is in building a good relationship with their peers and their family.
Most of the people who binge eat are stressed out with the way they are dealing with the family or with peer pressure and the effort to fit in and be liked.
If you get to improve these interpersonal factors, you will most certainly lose a lot of baggage that are responsible for your eating disorder.
The next binge eating therapy is quite dangerous that is why a lot of health care professionals and doctors are careful in using anti-depressant drugs to help their patients.
They do need to be extra careful because there is a chance that a patient might be too reliant or dependent on the drug and there have been too many cases of people committing suicide or being more depressed as a side effect of these anti-depressants.

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