Video: Grilling Chicken for Mango Chicken Salad
Video Transcript
So we got our gorgeous chicken here, we are going to put it on our grill. What would be the skin side down is what I'm using. I kind of separated those tenders from the breast and later you would understand why. It is going to help with our plating, making our plate a little more beautiful. Turn this up a little bit. I'm going to cover the lid for a few seconds. So what I'm trying get is a grill mark a flashed grilled mark really good to do. Two, three minutes we are going to turn that chicken about thirty degrees, the other way for a flashed grill mark, slit it over two or three minutes. Turn it again two, three minutes and we are going to have perfectly cooked chicken. But again if you where to just heat it like this it would be awfully dry. When we put it in our maceration it is going to be heaven. I'm looking at the fact that this is becoming opaque so we starting to get white so we know where we are at a point where we are going to flip this. Our little tenders here which is the inside of the breast these are ready, they are nice and white we are going to give these just a little additional flip. Now if you are ever in doubt with a piece of chicken I highly recommend for maybe ten dollars getting a little digital thermometer. Take that piece of chicken off slip the digital thermometer in. You find a breast you are ready one-sixty you are there, if you are ready one-eighty you have overcooked it, if you are reading one-twenty you are going to hurt somebody. But you can figure in time I have done two minutes with across, two minutes with the other, flipped it over, two or three minutes, two or three minutes all in all it is about ten minutes maybe twelve at the most. If your breast are thick it is a easy way to do it. So we got our grill chicken breast. I do still have a little bit of moisture but wait to see how much moisture they are going to have. Let's go. Alright our gorgeous marinades have been in the refrigerator getting nice and cold or beautiful chicken is here and now we are going to put them together. Okay we got this really really cold macerated, remember we did this earlier. I'm just going to take my chicken, give them a bath in the macerate oh ya, oh baby. Mmmm. I'm going to want them to hang out in here for about ten minutes make sure they are nice and submerge and every one in a while they would come by and push them down. But what I would like to work on next is the dressing that we are going to put on our micro greens and the sauce we are going to make to dress the chicken.