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Honey Facial - Discover the Surprising Truth About This Unique Facial From a Honey Insider

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A honey facial can be beneficial for many conditions and most any skin-type, as long as you get the right kind.
Researchers believe manuka honey face gel is the most effective of the honey-based gels.
The reason is that different honey varieties are made from different plant pollens, so they contain different enzymes and other active compounds.
Manuka honey is collected from the wild in the country where I live, New Zealand, and bees make it from the pollen of the native Manuka bush that grows here on mountain hillsides and along river valleys.
(The bush is sometimes called the "tea tree".
But, tea tree oil, which is bottled and sold as an essential oil for a variety of medicinal applications, comes from a different tree.
It's another good natural product to use for treating dandruff and fungal infections, but it's not the manuka that goes into a high quality honey facial.
) A honey facial has been used for centuries as a folk medicine to treat conditions like acne, psoriasis and eczema.
It was known to the ancient Egyptian priests and embalmers, but scientists have only recently been able to explain why it is so effective.
It has both antibacterial and antioxidant activity.
So, it's good for cleansing, preventing infection in cuts and scrapes and helps to prevent and heal pimples by killing bacteria on the skin.
Antioxidants, you may know, are vitamin like substances that prevent free radical damage.
Free radicals are responsible for many skin changes that accompany age.
Wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, blemishes and even cancers start as free radical damage.
Manuka honey face gel, if properly manufactured, has the most active antibacterial and antioxidant qualities of any honey variety, according to researchers.
Several independent studies have been conducted recently, with scientists looking for effective remedies for MRSA, an antibiotic resistant staph infection that is usually accompanied by skin ulcers.
And it was research of this type that increased the number of honey facial care products on the market.
Until recently, there were only a few manufacturers who included the ingredient.
And there still aren't many.
Major cosmetic companies it seems are sticking with the "tried and true", but less effective approaches.
But I know one manufacturer who provides a manuka honey face gel.
Not surprisingly, the manufacturer is located here in New Zealand, in the city where I live, and in fact a colleague of mine designed the new company web site.
They have a complete line of skincare products for both men and women.
They use manuka honey face gel in many of these products, including their night creams, cleansing masks and deep moisturizers.
They also include the ingredient in their body lotion.
If you are looking for a honey facial mask that you can make at home, there are several recipes.
Some include milk.
Others include oatmeal.
But, remember that the normal white honey you buy in grocery stores was not specifically designed for this purpose, so there's no guarantee of results.
Manuka honey face gel, on the other hand, has been evaluated for effectiveness in clinical studies.
It has been shown to support the skin's natural renewal process, improve elasticity, and heal blemishes.
The result reported by volunteers was softer and younger looking skin.
In addition to a honey facial, you might also be interested in kelp, seaweed or algae.
They contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, in addition to essential fatty acids that are necessary for the skin's health.
Although I use manuka honey almost every day and would recommend you start with a honey facial using manuka.

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