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Premature Ejaculation Free Advice - 3 Great Free Tips to Start Lasting Longer in Bed

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Free advice for premature ejaculation can be had if it is what you are looking for.
Although many so-called "free tips" are methods that don't work or are lousy, in this article I will give you three excellent ones based on my own experience when I overcame premature ejaculation.
Here we go.
Tip 1 - Masturbate Before This is a tip I used early on and one that works very, very well.
If you can, try to masturbate before having sex.
How long before is unique to each person.
For example, it may be better for one guy to masturbate one hour before sex and the other to do it only 20 minutes before in order to obtain the most delay.
Try it, this tip is definitely worth it.
Tip 2 - Coital Alignment Technique This is a special position that allows for deep penetration but is not all about moving back and forth like the parts of an engine.
You can Google this position to see the exact mechanics of man and woman.
What happens is that you are locked together and it also feels really good for the woman.
This is one of the best positions anyway but it just so happens that not only do women love it but it also helps greatly to stave off ejaculation.
Try it and you will see for yourself.
Tip 3 - Get Rid Of Anxiety In The Bedroom Many guys with PE are 100% confident outside of the bedroom.
You see, we are programmed to ejaculate early.
Truth is, most guys ejaculate quicker than they want to.
The reason is because if we think about how much time we have left, or we think even a little about whether we are "good enough in bed" or any other doubts like this then this is anxiety.
Anxiety spirals out of control very quickly and we ejaculate.
The same applies to animals who usually are risking getting discovered by a predator while they are in the throes of the sexual act.
The more nervous they are, the quicker they get the deed over with so they can escape and have the best chance of continuing their species.
We still have these instincts.
The answer is to totally eliminate any possible source of anxiety so we can be 100% confident in bed.
There are many ways to do this such as antidepressants (I don't recommend) or natural training methods (I do recommend).

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