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Preterm Labor-What Happens

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Preterm Labor-What Happens If preterm labor occurs close to your due date (in the 35th or 36th week of pregnancy), you may be allowed to deliver without delay. Preterm birth at this point in a pregnancy doesn't usually cause serious problems.

But preterm labor doesn't always mean that preterm birth will happen. Your doctor may be able to stop your preterm labor.

When preterm labor can't be stopped, most women can deliver vaginally. But if your health or your baby's health is at risk, you may need a cesarean section.

Premature infant

A baby born too early may have complications, such as bleeding in the brain or chronic lung disease. The earlier a baby is born, the higher the risk.

Your doctors can prepare you for what may lie ahead. They can base this on your condition and how many weeks pregnant you will be when you give birth.

Thanks to improved medical care, more premature infants are surviving today than in years past. For more information, see the topic Premature Infant.

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