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What Energy Drinks Can Do For You

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Today's fast-paced world demands so much from each individual. People are made to balance their office workload with their responsibilities at home. Some even expend extra energy to be able to do the things they want, such as working out or engaging in a sport. Most of the time, the energy one gets from the food that is eaten is not enough. This has created a market for energy drinks.

An energy drink differs greatly from soft drinks and sports drinks. Soft drinks are basically made for enjoyment and not for the nourishment of the body. Sports drinks, on the other hand, are made for athletes and others who are engaged in strenuous activities that would need a great amount of rehydration. Although similarities can be seen in the ingredients of the three, energy drinks are basically made to boost the energy of the consumer.

An example of an energy drink currently being sold in the market is AdvoCare SparkĀ® Energy. This was especially made for people who have a hard time starting their day in the morning, as well as those who wish to do more aside from their work. With the help of 21 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, it is said to help the mind focus and provide the body with energy for busy people. In reality, the energy boost is greatly dependent on the ingredients that are found on the drink. Basically, caffeine and sugar are the main propellers of these energy drinks. Other ingredients such as ephedrine and guarana seed extract are also added to act as stimulants, while ingredients such as taurine and creatine are used to aid in the contraction of the muscles. Others would have stress-reducing components such as ginseng. Meanwhile, substances that can be helpful in losing weight such as carnitine are infused.

However, it is important to note that too much of anything is dangerous. Caution should still be exercised upon the intake of these products. Caffeine, first and foremost, could cause a lot of side effects to the body. These include cardiovascular problems such as a faster heartbeat and a higher blood pressure that can eventually lead to a serious or even deathly cardiac arrest. Caffeine can also affect the central nervous system and cause episodes of headaches and migraines. Moreover, it can interfere with one's normal sleeping pattern and lead to insomnia.

Even the muscles are affected, especially if they are overstimulated. People tend to be shaky and develop unnecessary anxiety when they take in too many energy drinks. The large amount of sugar in these energy drinks could also be a cause of Type 2 diabetes wherein insulin could no longer regulate the blood sugar level on its own. Some studies even show that addiction is developed by some regular consumers of energy drinks. Students, especially adolescents, develop more serious problems from too much intake of energy drinks. They are most likely to develop sleeping and even developmental problems in the future. Therefore, extra caution is advised when an energy drink is mixed with alcohol. Although some experts would say that the tendency to engage in higher-risk activities is not necessarily associated with this, it is still important to control one's alcohol consumption.

Despite these however, energy drinks are not harmful, especially when they are taken in moderation. In fact, numerous individuals have benefited from these drinks. One example is Zach Loyd from the USA Men's National Team Pool who is a regular user of AdvoCare SparkĀ®. He has claimed that the intake of this particular energy drink helped him make the most of his workouts and even helped him improve his overall performance. Indeed, athletes are able to utilize efficiently the carbohydrates found in these drinks. Students and those who are part of the physical labor force are also able to enjoy the benefits of these energy drinks. The electrolyte content is able to rehydrate them and caffeine is able to stimulate them to work. Even the central nervous system is aided, as these drinks can create a smooth flow of message transmission through and among neurons.

Indeed, energy drinks have been playing a vital role in helping people face and take on the responsibilities they have each day. With the extra energy boost, they are given the chance to be able to do things that they enjoy on top of the demands at work and at home. As long as they are consumed moderately and responsibly, energy drinks can really make man do more and live more.

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