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Exercise Doesn"t Have To Be A Drag

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Do you honestly enjoy working out? All that sweating, straining, and just plain work? Tell the truth now...8^)

Well, to be honest, I didn't used to, even though I knew that it was good for me. I have realized, however, that it doesn't have to be all that bad once you decide that this is something that you want to do and nobody is forcing you to do it. And, there doesn't have to be a lot of sweating and straining either.

I don't think it's a mystery to anyone that exercising the body regularly is an important part of being healthy and living a quality life. Tons of research and studies have shown this to be the case. Especially as we get into our older years, exercise is important to keep the body functioning well.

Now that I practice a regular workout regimen, my body seldom causes me concern and I can just go about my life with quiet efficiency. I remember waking up stiff and sore and dreading physical activity because of the pain that it would cause me. A little exertion in the form of exercise sure prevents a lot of anguish and pain for the rest of the time.

Just the simple act of stretching daily, an activity that can take mere minutes, causes noticeable improvement in bodily well-being and ease of movement. Our muscles were meant to be used. If we sit on the couch all day and don't get some exercise occasionally, these muscles, and all the other s show is on.

Get in the habit of walking in the park or along some trails through the woods. Not only will you be getting some exercise, but you'll be enjoying the beauty of nature and getting some healthful fresh air as well.

Of course, eating well goes right along with exercise to keep our bodies in top shape. You'll have much more energy and stamina if you not carrying around a bunch of excess weight on your body. If you're overweight now, exercise and eating correctly is the number one way of getting back into fighting condition.

The bottom line is - if you make the mental decision to exercise and get in shape, you can also make the mental decision to make the best of it and enjoy it. We only get one body in this life. Why not make it the best it can be?

ystems of the body, will start to break down and cause health problems.

Try to make exercising fun and it won't seem like such drudgery to do it. Join a gym and get to know some more people and make some friends. Exercise in front of the TV when your favorite show is on.

Get in the habit of walking in the park or along some trails through the woods. Not only will you be getting some exercise, but you'll be enjoying the beauty of nature and getting some healthful fresh air as well.

Of course, eating well goes right along with exercise to keep our bodies in top shape. You'll have much more energy and stamina if you not carrying around a bunch of excess weight on your body. If you're overweight now, exercise and eating correctly is the number one way of getting back into fighting condition.

The bottom line is - if you make the mental decision to exercise and get in shape, you can also make the mental decision to make the best of it and enjoy it. We only get one body in this life. Why not make it the best it can be?


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