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Why a Body's Immune System so Interesting?

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Tens of thousands of fungi, bacteria and viruses lurk in the world to ambush a human body. Notwithstanding, we are able to remain healthy for a sizeable period of our lives. Why? It is Because of our Immune system. Think of this system as a police force that has been tasked to protect a body against harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses. These bacteria and viruses are responsible for creating maladies. To sum up, our immune system provides resistance against pathogens.

Alas, the system is not as advanced to offer protection against some of the most virulent pathogens. Our system is not designed to offer quick immunity against disastrous diseases that cause either death or long-term impairments.

In such situations, vaccinations gain significance. Also known as inoculations, vaccinations are a saviour of not only individual health, but that of an entire population.

Understating a body's immune system
A body's natural resistance mechanism has two individual divisions. Such divisions work together to build a system that offers an absolute defence structure for a body. Let us learn about these divisions.

Innate part of natural resistance mechanism

The innate part of a body's natural resistance mechanism is known as non-specific immune system. This division does not differentiate on the type of foreign substances it protects against.  Each element of the innate part of the system protects against different foreign substances, including pathogenic organisms.

This division can be divided into two parts:-

•    The foremost line of defence is mucosae (internal linings of nose, mouth, gastrointestinal tract, etc.) and skin

•    The second line of defence includes immune cells. These cells circulate the entire body with the help of lymph and blood. The most significant type of immune cells is macrophage. This scavenger cells use a process known as phagocytosis to engulf bacteria and other substances.

The adaptive immune mechanism

If, however, bacteria are able to penetrate the first line of defence, then they reproduce fast. The host body shows symptoms of a disease once bacteria's reproduction is not checked by non-specific immune system.  There are many venomous viruses and bacteria that can remain unchecked by the first division of the resistance-offering system.

This is when the second division of the system comes into play. Meant for having long-term resistance, the second division (adaptive immune mechanism) is powered by vaccinations. This division has a complex structure. As the name specifies, a body's adaptive system adapts as and when it encounters harmful viruses and bacteria. Also, this division is called specific immune system of a body because it can discriminate between harmful and good bacteria. By and large, every component of the division produces antibodies.

The division is divided into two parts:-

•    Antibody production

•    Humoral division

The healthcare research India is striving to introduce cutting-edge inoculations. Every inoculation is designed to protect body against the most harmful viruses and bacteria (it has previously encountered).

More and more up-to-date vaccine delivery procedures are developed to ensure vaccinations are administered safely and quickly. Vaccine research and development in India aims to understand the system and design vaccines accordingly.

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