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Toys and Organization

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Getting children's rooms organized can be a bit of a challenge for most parents. You may be able to keep toys and their parts separated into buckets, but that doesn't mean that the kids won't immediately come in behind you and dump them out! Getting things organized in a way that makes the whole room work is the key. Keeping like items together and toys with parts in separate areas is the first step. Then, making other aspects of an organized room work, like laundry, clothing and bedding, is the next step. Learn how to do all of these things in a way that works for you and your child. Follow these tips to help you be on your way to having a long-lasting organized room.

1) Minimizing the number of things your child can dump out is a good place to start. Once you have game pieces in the right game boxes, consider putting some of these items up high on a shelf or in the closet where your child will actually have to ask for them to get them out. You can keep some things down low and then periodically swap them out with the things that are up high. This way, there aren't too many things out at once that can be dumped and become an organizing parent's nightmare.

2) Keep things with parts separated, too. Don't put your blocks, games, puzzles, and other items with a million small pieces all in the same area. This is just asking for disaster. Kids don't usually go far with the things that they want to play with. If they have a small table next to their games, they are likely to play the game there. If they have a rug beside their bin of blocks, chances are that's where they're going to dump them out. Try to divide the room into sections like this so that the things that do get dumped don't get mixed up or lost.

3) Another thing to think about when organizing a kid's room is maintenance. Using hampers and laundry baskets, possibly in several areas of the room, can help to cut down on how much laundry ends up mixed with the toys. Make it easy for kids to put their clothes inside. Avoid hampers with lids. Use basketball goals or whatever you need to make it a little more interesting to put the laundry inside. Give your child rewards for helping with the laundry. They can even hang clothes themselves with easy-to-handle children's hangers, <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/5020022');" href="/links/?u="title="Infant Hangers">infant hangers</a> and baby hangers. Plus, the more they hang, the more room you have in their dressers and drawers to organize and put away some of those toys.


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