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Crying Or Laughing Newborn Babies

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Some babies fall asleep very easy, nothing disturbs them and their slumbers are peaceful.
On the other hand, other new born babies wake up 20 times a night, cry a lot and constantly maintain their parents on their toes.
What makes a baby is quiet or, conversely, a ball of nerves? Various factors influence how babies behaved: genetic factors, environmental factors and factors known as variables, such as diseases or disorders.
The surveys show that our personality is 50% of our genes and our environment.
However, when children are very small, we can say that heredity is undoubtedly a greater share; the child had not lived long enough to be "shaped" by the environment.
Although at this age the influence of dominant genes is very significant, it should not minimize the effect of what surrounds the child.
Babies are terribly sensitive to the feelings of their parents and respond to them in different ways.
Some diseases and disorders in children can cause both agitation and irritation a quiet (sometimes excessively).
However, remember that, despite the influence of these three broad parameters, the character a child has in its first months of life is not necessarily that he will have later.
There is the case of babies who demonstrate a usually very quiet attitude, but perhaps they suffer from a hearing impairment? Conversely, babies with colic or any other pain may be quite irritable.
In any case, if the behavior of your child seems "suspicious", do not hesitate to talk to your pediatrician.
Thus, a possible problem is more likely to be detected and treated early, so more effectively If your new born baby is a rather quiet one, you should give him different and colorful sound toys that can handle; change the room several times during the day; point direction of his crib every 3 or 4 months to grow to visually explore the space; put it on a blanket on the floor and bring him to move.
Talk to him as possible and sing nursery rhymes or play cheerful baby music.
If your baby does not stop for a moment, he must learn to calm down and engage in quieter activities that will help him sleep and concentrate better.
You need to keep the same habits day after day (meal times, nap, bath...
); keep him near you and read her stories in a gentle voice; give him his toys one by one, not several at once; secure the environment so he can move safely; let him listen to soothing music; give him a massage after his bath.
You should also try to know better what happens to him so that he calms down.
Make sure he is not hungry, he is clean and he did not sleep; give him his pacifier.
Rock the baby; go for a walk in his stroller or baby carrier; wrap him in your arms and put his little head on your heart, so he could listen to the beats, like when he was in your belly.
All these are great methods to sooth an agitated baby.

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