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Reasons For Quitting - Do You Really Know Why You Are Quitting Smoking?

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Do smokers really know their reasons for quitting? Why do they decide to stop smoking? While they can easily give reasons on why they should quit, something is still at a miss because quite a number of smokers still continue to smoke despite these reasons.
Smokers might claim knowing all the rationale behind quitting smoking but what they lack is the capacity to realize the good that will be brought about by not smoking.
Every smoker knows that smoking is bad for the health.
It does not bring any long-term benefits to the one who smokes yet smokers still continue with this habit.
The very reason that it can prolong their life does not even make them quit smoking completely! They know they can save money and be more acceptable in public places yet the number of smokers is still increasing and most of them are now even younger.
If you are a smoker, there is one thing that you can do so that you may be able to internalize the reasons for quitting.
Start by having a pen and a piece of paper and start listing the reasons why you want to quit.
 Put all the reasons that you have from the most important to the least important.
Then list down the benefits of your reasons if you are able to realize all of them.
A simple example would be the reason that you want to feel better about yourself.
A benefit of this kind of reason might be that you will be able to breathe better and even become a good example to your own children.
As you continue not smoking, all the other major benefits will become realities in your life.
A good way to better appreciate them is by, you guessed it right, listing them! You can call it your "reality list" which will contain all your "fact" statements.
You may list down enjoying life with your family more since you now have more energy and you are no longer worried of your family's health as well because of your decision to stop smoking! Make them as exciting as you can and always bring your "list" wherever you may be.
The reasons for quitting smoking can be endless and numerous.
As time passes by without you having to smoke, you will notice that you're starting to live your life a lot better.
You can now enjoy the benefits of the right decision that you have made.
Just do your very best to stay quit and continue with adding to your "reality list" as they can effectively be your protection against the next craving that you will have.

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