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How to Volunteer for Medical Trials

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    • 1). Go to This website is associated with the United States National Institute of Health and provides a search engine to look up medical trials going on in your area. You can search by keyword or by area using an interactive map.

    • 2). Look through the open list of medical trials. The list will show the completed trials in red and the open trials in green.

    • 3). Click on a trial you would like to participate in. This page shows candidate requirements, who is conducting the trial and its purpose.

    • 4). Click the "contacts and locations" link on the trial page. A contact sheet for each location will appear. Find the location nearest your area and write down the contact information, or print the page from your computer.

    • 5). Call or email the listed contact. This person will ask you questions regarding your eligibility and will likely ask for medical records as proof of the trial-related medical condition, should you have one. The person will give you further instructions if you qualify to participate in the medical trial.


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