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The Most Effective Treatment For Stretch Marks

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Finding the right treatment for stretch marks is not too difficult as there are many options to eliminate them.
They are even more available to the public now more than ever before.
What one really has to do is study what the different procedures are to get rid of stretch marks.
Then a person can discern what the best procedure to take is.
The Natural Way Detect Early and Treat Early - Early detection and prevention is the key to getting rid of stretch marks.
Of course, preventing them from occurring in the first place is ideal.
But there are times in life when one does not realize he or she is gaining weight at a quick pace and it is at these times that stretch marks can start to form.
How do stretch marks occur? These are scars and these scars are the result from the dermis tearing because of the quick growth and stretching of skin.
To be extra sure that you treat them correctly, you must first inspect if you have any.
They will usually look like reddened or purplish lines and the skin around them is more sensitive or softer than the rest of the surrounding skin.
If you do detect this, then it is still early and you can still treat the stretch marks by exercising and also by hydrating your body.
8 to 10 glasses of water a day and a healthy diet will help the skin repair itself and thus stop stretch marks forming into something that is more permanent.
Medications & Creams For people who already have stretch marks that are in a phase beyond prevention there is another way.
Some dermatologists will prescribe specially medicated creams as a treatment for stretch marks.
These creams can be used by simply massaging them into the affected area.
Regular use of these creams will ultimately result in better skin conditions and less scarring caused by stretch marks.
Plastic Surgery & Laser Treatment Laser Treatment and Tummy Tuck - For more serious cases of stretch marks, there are the choices of a tummy tuck or laser treatment.
Since most people get them below the belly button or around the abdominal area, they can opt for a tummy tuck.
Of course, this is probably only best for people who actually need a tummy tuck because the procedure is intended to get rid of excess loose skin that has come about after losing a significant amount of weight.
More Laser Options - For other areas of the body, there is also laser treatment that involves the stripping away of layers of the dead skin cells left behind by stretch marks.
By burning these layers away with a laser, the skin can then be left to heal properly and then normalize so that it can take on the tone and color of the surrounding skin.

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