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How to Highlight a Color in a Picture Using Picnik

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    One Color Highlight

    • 1). Go to the Picnik website. Log into your account. And upload the image you want to edit.

    • 2). Go to the “Edit” tab. Click on the “Effects” sub-tab.

    • 3). Select the “Black and White” effects option. The image will be converted to black and white.

    • 4). Click on the Paint Brush icon inside the “Black and White” effects box. A dialog box will appear. Adjust the “Brush Size” slider to correspond to the size of the object that’s shaded with the color you want to highlight. Set the “Brush Strength” slider to 100 percent.

    • 5). Mouse-over the object that has the color you want to highlight. The object’s original color will be painted back in, while the rest of the photo will remain black and white. Click “Apply” to preserve the edit changes.

    Increase the Saturation of One Color

    • 1). Go to the Picnik website. Log into your account. Upload the image you want to edit.

    • 2). Go to the “Edit” tab. Click on the “Effects” sub-tab.

    • 3). Select the “Boost” effects option. Set the “Strength” slider to 100 percent. Click on the Paint Brush icon inside the “Boost” effects box. A dialog box will appear.

    • 4). Check the box next to “Reverse Effect.” The colors in the image will appear duller. Adjust the “Brush Size” slider to correspond to the size of the object that’s shaded with the color you want to highlight. Set the “Brush Strength” slider to 100 percent.

    • 5). Mouse-over the object that has the color you want to highlight. The object’s saturation will increase, making that color appear more vibrant while the rest of the photo’s colors will remain somewhat muted. Click “Apply” to preserve the edit changes.


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