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Facial Cleanser Cream - How to Stay Away From Ineffective Ones?

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Does it ever bother you? Why your favorite facial cleanser cream is not giving you dramatic results? Have you ever thought why it does not work for you where as the same facial cleanser cream shows amazing result on the celebrity on television? In this article I will share some secrets with you, the cosmetic companies guard so heavily that they pay millions of dollars in glossy advertisement to distract the consumers.
Next time you hit the internet or your local drug store to buy a product look at the ingredient label and for each ingredient ask this question - Can I eat it? In most certainties the answer is going to be no.
If you can't eat that ingredient then you should not even use it on your skin because these ingredients eventually get absorbed in bloodstream.
What ingredients should be avoided? Carcinogenic Substances: Ingredients like Polyethylene glycol (PEG), Nitrosamines which are used as emulsifiers and preservatives are suspected of being carcinogenic in long term.
Padimate-O: Used mostly in sunscreens.
It assists the generation of free radicals.
Alcohols: They can cause a dry and irritating effect on skin.
They can reduce the natural oils of skin thus exposing it to infection.
Alcohols are main cause of spots and premature aging.
Known agents are ethanol, ethyl alcohol, methanol, benzyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and SD alcohol.
Mineral oil: Supposedly use to moisturize the skin but actually clogs the pores of your skin.
This reduces the ability of skin to get rid of excess oils and toxins.
This can lead to acne and oily skin.
Cosmetic companies use mineral oil because it's cheap.
These are few ingredients that you should always steer away from.
There is a whole list published on the internet that gives you much more information about the harmful effects of each and every ingredient.
I encourage you to go through that list.
A lot has been said about what to avoid but are all of us aware that a good and effective facial cleanser cream consists of natural ingredients? Yes, that is correct if you are looking for surefire and assured results use a facial cleanser cream that use high level of natural active ingredients.
Now that you are empowered with this information; next time you buy a skin care product, put it to the litmus test and decide for yourself if the product is good for your skin or not.

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