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Cosmetic Surgery - Is There A Non-surgical Way To Get High Cheek Bones?

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Is it possible to get a high cheek bone face? I had the oppurtunity to talk to a plastic surgeon in Pittsburgh regarding a face cosmetic surgery.
Sagging skin may not be the only reason for and old look. Interest for Plastic surgery in Pittsburgh has increased in the recent times. A survey in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS), the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), found that as we age, the lower jaw continues to develop, creating a more square jaw line, eventually making people appear older.
This study showed lower jaw structure can play an valuable role in the aging look. Studies indicate the more curved the jaw the younger they look.
The authors studied radiographic images of sixteen patients (eight men and eight women) taken at youth (mean age 16 years old) and maturity (mean age 56 years old). They observed the lower jaw in both men and women continued to grow with age, creating a bigger, squarer jaw crease.

A facelift that can pad some soft tissue over the cheek bones can give an illusion of smaller low jaw bone giving a youthful look.
More than 104,000 facelifts were performed in 2006, according to ASPS stats.
Cheeks are considered an important part of the youth and beauty. Padding the cheek region also improves volume loss under the eyes. Adding mass rather than lifting is not a radical idea in plastic surgery. Restoring mass to deeper cheek fat will affect other areas of the face helping better treat facial aging.
In a cadaver report, dye was injected to study the areas of the cheek compartmment to better learn the structure of the face to be modified. Latex injected in the various compartments helped locate the underneath areas of the face- the muscles, bones and fatty tissue. Three extra fat compartments in the face were also identified in this survey.
Volume loss to the deeper cheek fat gives hollowing to the face. That study showed deep facial fat when lost could gived an aged look, Volumizing the deeper cheek areas helped hollowing the face and gave a youthful appearance. Finally, when the injection was done correctly into the fat compartment, a smaller volume of fat or filler was needed, the work noted.
The study authors concluded that many other compartments of fat remain to be identified in the face and human body. This and similar studies showed adding volume to certain face compartments resulted in better youthful appearance.

Cheek implants have been increacing recently, In 2007 about 7000+ such facial plastic surgeries were conducted. Not only that, nearly 40,000+ fat injections and more than a million hyaluronic acid face filler plastic surgeries are being conducted per year.
One way is by cheek implant surgery to get high cheek bones. People who yearn to have prominent cheek contour and have facial asymmetry are regular candidates for facial cosmetic surgery. ordinarily the procedure is done on an outpatient basis under local or general anesthesia. A small incision is made either under the upper lip, in the lower eyelid, or in the hairline, and a pre-shaped implant is placed next to the bone.
In addition to surgical procedures, non-surgical plastic procedures can also be conducted. Face cutaneous fillers such as collagan, hyaluronicacid, fatty tissues and various other safe substances can be injected to improve face contours. Their principal purpose is to add mass to specific areas, in order to obviate wrinkles such as crow's feet, deep wrinkles or enhance a feature such as cheeks and lips.



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