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Need a Dry Skin Relief Lotion? Here"s How to Make the Right Choice!

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Using a quality dry skin relief lotion will keep you from yelling "OUCH" every time you move an affected body part with cracked, itchy, flakey dry skin! A lot of people are looking for an effective dry skin lotion, but a good one that gets results takes a little work.
Many of the lotions currently on the market do not work.
In this article I'm going to show you how to make the right choice.
A dry skin relief lotion that is effective should contain mostly ingredients that come from plants.
Any dry skin lotion that has a lot of man made chemicals is not going to be real effective and could make your dry skin problem worse.
One bad ingredient is alcohol, which is really a drying agent! However, some companies use it because it's cheap filler.
Using any lotion that contains alcohol is a definite NO! With a little research you can find a quality product that keeps your skin moist, but will also help fix the problem.
Again, the less man made chemicals and the more plant based ingredients you can find the better off you will be in the long run.
OK, so what are some of the things to look for? You want a product that uses a synergistic approach with its ingredients.
A good combination could include vitamins such as Vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant and is a natural ingredient and should be a must in any dry skin relief lotion.
You'd like to also see a blend of oils from plants, and some natural enzymes.
Those ingredients work on even the toughest dry skin problems.
If I had to choose another must have ingredient in a dry skin lotion, it would be coenzymeQ10 coming in a nano lipid form.
This insures it is natural and can get through the skin surface.
This is by far the most effective form of CoQ10.
Some products contain a chemical form of CoQ10, but it is not natural CoQ10, and they are no way near as effective as natural CoQ10.
So buyers beware! Natural oils that you would like to see in a dry skin lotion include macadamia, and avocado, because they do such a great job in keeping your skin moist.
To help promote rebuilding of collagen, another essential ingredient is keratin.
As mentioned above, a synergistic approach is best, and if you find a product with all the ingredients mentioned you are on your way to solving your problem.
A "red flag" should be raised any time you see alcohol as previously noted along with parabens (waxes) which don't let your skin breathe, and fake fragrances.
The strong nature of these chemicals will only make your problem worse.
Remember, we only want natural ingredients in a dry skin relief lotion.
Another reason for using only natural ingredients is that almost everything you put on your skin seeps into your bloodstream! Do you want hash chemicals going into your bloodstream, or natural ingredients that help promote healing? The answer is plain to see.
Does the dry skin lotion you are looking at offer to give you your money back if it is not effective? Think twice if it doesn't.
It will pay you in the long term to carefully study all the ingredients on the label.
Look up the ingredients you don't understand.
Chances are if you can't pronounce it probably is a chemical you don't want.
I also have a passion for animals and prefer cruelty free products not tested on animals.
You may also want to consider this.
Organic products are always best and can help give you relief and treat dry irritable skin at the same time.
Research the market closely and you will find the right dry skin relief lotion just for you.
Go natural, go organic, you'll be glad you did!

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