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Secret Weapons To Fight Prostate Cancer

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Did you know that each year more than 185 000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer? The prostate is the walnut-sized gland that is found below the bladder that supplies fluid to carry sperm during ejaculation.
There are many alternative cancer therapies outside the realms of the conventional treatments, which include things like surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
While the focus of these treatments is to get rid of the cancer, the alternative therapies work more on strengthening the body's defenses to control the spreading of the cancer.
We all know that given the right conditions, the body has the ability to heal itself.
Alternative therapies may well extend your survival time, although there isn't any proof to support this amongst the medical professionals.
Using alternative therapies will definitely reduce some of the side effects associated with conventional treatments.
For best results it is best to get an individualized alternative therapy program that is developed by an experienced practitioner.
Here are some of the things used in alternative therapy.
Selenium Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is a crucial mineral in the fight against cancer.
In some studies, a daily intake of 200 micrograms of selenium cut the incidence of prostate cancer by sixty percent.
Selenium is safe and inexpensive, but large doses of this should not be taken without a doctors supervision.
Zinc Picolinate Prostate cancer patients should consider taking thirty to fifty miligrams of zinc picolinate each day.
The prostate gland has the highest concentration of zinc in the body, and additional amounts will help the organ against it's cancer battle.
Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 is a great potential cancer fighter.
This helps to generate energy in your cells and in some cases this enzyme has halted prostate cancer cases and even reversed it.
Coenzyme Q10 is relatively safe and all cancer patients should be made aware of its benefits.
Vitamins Vitimans C and E are very beneficial to take while on cancer treatment.
1000 milligrams of vitamin C taken three times a day, and 400 to 800 international units of vitamin E a day should give good benefits and a good dose of antioxidants.
Saw Palmetto This herb is know to help shrink prostate tissue.
It can also block the effect of the male hormones like testosterone which feed prostate cancer.
Fish Oil Fish oil has high levels of fatty acids, which is the component of fat which helps to fight cancer.
Try using good old fashioned cod-liver oil, as it contains optimal levels of fatty acids and vitamins A and D.
Two teaspoons a day is recommended, but use under the supervision of your doctor.
If you can't quite stomach this, four 1,000 milligram capsules a day of flaxseed oil is also rich in fatty acids.
Pumpkin seed oil is another great one, as it supplies the prostate gland with nutrients like zinc and magnesium that it needs to heal.
Don't forget to speak to your doctor about alternative therapies, as they could make your battle against cancer a lot easier.

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