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Different Ways of Dental Whitening

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Possessing a winning smile is very important to many people.
It makes you look attractive, friendly and approachable; and for many involved in business or other activities that require a great degree of social interaction, it is essential.
Although, just like hair colour and skin tone, there are certain daily activities that can speed or cause teeth discolouration.
Drinking tea and coffee, smoking, eating strongly coloured food and drinking red wine all contribute to making teeth discoloured.
But, there are a variety of ways to return your teeth to their natural colour.
There are specialist toothpastes that promise to revitalise your teeth and make them sparkling white.
However, recent research published found that the majority of them fail to produce any noticeable difference.
For more instant results many people either go to the chemists or specialist dentists.
Over the counter dental whitening kits are readily available from chemists, which contain rubber mouth trays and bleaching gel.
However, the moulds are not 'fitted' to the shape of your teeth and research has shown that they have limited success and indeed don't work on certain types of discolouration.
A more successful way of achieving noticeable dental whitening is by getting it done professionally using external bleaching.
External bleaching involves teeth whitening by bleaching the outside or the surface of the teeth.
This can be done in several ways, either at home, in the dental surgery or by a combination of both.
Home bleaching involves getting a rubber mould professionally made that fits the shape and contours of your teeth.
However, unlike getting a kit over the counter, the gel used in a home bleaching kit dispensed by a professional cosmetic dentist is stronger and therefore more effective.
Using this method takes a few weeks of wearing the tray for up to a couple of hours per day.
Alternatively, power or laser bleaching can be performed in the dentist's chair.
Under this procedure the bleaching gel is placed on your teeth and then a laser is used to enhance the whitening process.
The whole procedure can take up to two hours.
The final external tooth bleaching method involves a combination of power bleaching and also doing some further home bleaching.
As you can see, there are many dental whitening procedures you can use.
However, it is important to remember that maintaining that winning smile will depend upon your personal eating, drinking and dental hygiene habits.

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