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Newborn Problems: What Mothers Need to Look Out For

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Expectant mothers who regularly go to their doctors for their checkups will know that still their unborn babies will be prone to a lot of problems during the course of labor and delivery. Here are some of these health problems the newborns will be faced with:

Fetal Distress. The term is used to refer to those signs and indications prior to and during childbirth that point to the fetus not being well. An uncommon complication during labor, fetal distress is a result of a pregnancy that lasts too long or if the baby is not getting enough oxygen or when other pregnancy complications are present. An electronic fetal heart monitoring device or a Doppler ultrasound gadget can be used to monitor the fetal heart rate. To correct this, doctors will give the mother oxygen, give the mother more fluids, or ask the mother to go to a different position.
Abnormal Fetal Positions. At the final phases of pregnancy, the fetus should be in a position that will ready itself for the delivery-in this case, facing rearward or facing the mother's back. Head first, the fetus should have his neck flexed and his body angled to one side. When this is not the case, then it will be difficult for the baby to pass through the vagina or be delivered by natural childbirth. A Caesarian section or the use of forceps or a vacuum extractor may be necessary to let the child out.
Breathing Problems. This may sound a little bit scary, but rarely some babies do not start breathing at birth despite the absence of complications and other problems before the delivery. These cases require the skills of professionals to resuscitate the baby.
Multiple Births. The presence of not just one but two or more fetus in the mother's uterus will pose as a problem during labor and delivery. Being older, taking fertility drugs, and using assisted reproductive techniques are just some of the causes of having multiple births. With more than one fetus overstretching the mother's uterus, labor normally comes earlier than the regular nine months where babies are born small and premature. In the case of twins, the first twin may sometimes be born vaginally and the second, through a Caesarian delivery. For triplets or more births, delivery through a Caesarian section is always necessary.
Nuchal Cord Birth. When the umbilical cord is accidentally wrapped around the baby's neck, it is called a nuchal cord birth. Although this may not cause the baby harm, it is still good that an ultrasonography can detect such case and doctors know exactly what to do in these cases.
Shoulder Dystocia. The unborn baby will be put in danger when one of its shoulders is lodged against his mother's pubic bone where he will be caught in the birth canal, making it difficult for the baby to breathe. Although the doctor may try to free this stuck shoulder, further complications may arise such as harming the baby's collarbone or arm; hence, more often than not, a Caesarian section will be necessary to safely deliver the baby.


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