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Personal Exercise Plans for Football

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    Training for Explosiveness

    • Football is a lengthy game requiring short stints of explosive force followed by moderate rest periods. For this reason, football training should focus on developing the anaerobic systems of the body. The anaerobic system is designed to generate short bursts of power, but cannot function for prolonged periods of time. In the hierarchy of energy systems, it falls between the ATP system and the aerobic system, and it is in this "middle of the pack" mode that football players will most often function.

      On top of that, football also requires a high potential output of force on multiple planes. All exercises should focus primarily upon training for maximum explosiveness against heavy resistance. Any football plan should focus around squat, deadlift, bench press, power clean and hang clean.

    Weight Training Routine

    • Football weight training should be performed at least 4 days a week, with the option of adding endurance work on the off days. The workouts will alternate between training upper body and lower body.

      Day 1 (lower body power):

      1. Work up to a max triple on a squat or deadlift variation. This will increase maximum force generation for the lower body which will translate to faster movements on the field.
      2. Perform four sets of five repetitions on hack squats (or a hack squat machine). This will reinforce and balance the quads, stabilizing the knees and allowing for violent lateral movement.
      3. Perform four sets of five repetitions (per leg) on barbell lunges. This will enhance balance and correct any strength imbalances between the legs.

      Day 2 (upper body power):

      1. Work up to a max triple on a bench press variation. This will teach the body how to explosively push, which will translate into more aggressive tackles and a better chance of stiff-arming or defending against other players.
      2. Perform four sets of six to eight repetitions on dumbbell bench press. This will correct strength imbalances between the arms and work stabilizing muscles.
      3. Perform four sets of six to eight repetitions on pull-ups. This will increase back and bicep strength, which is useful for holding onto the ball when someone attempts to strip it.

      Day 3 (lower body speed):

      1. Perform five sets of five repetitions on power cleans. This will increase explosive force, improving run times and vertical leap.
      2. Perform four sets of eight repetitions on Bulgarian split squats. This will improve balance and improve strength imbalances.
      3. Perform three sets of 15 calf raises. This will increase running speed and jumping potential.

      Day 4 (upper body speed):

      1. Perform eight sets of three repetitions with 60 percent of your one-rep maximum on bench. This will teach the athlete to develop speed-strength, which is the capacity to generate maximum power in minimum time.
      2. Perform four sets of six to eight repetitions on incline dumbbell press. This will solve strength imbalances between the limbs.
      3. Perform four sets of six to eight repetitions on chin-ups. This will balance back strength against chest strength and will reduce the chance of shoulder injuries from muscle imbalances.
      4. Perform three sets of eight on bent-over barbell rows. This will also balance back strength against chest strength.

      On your off days, feel free to alternate between sprint work (10 sets of 50 yard sprints at 80 percent speed) and running up an incline for 30 to 45 minutes.


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