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How to Change a Putter Grip

104 77
    • 1). Place the golf club firmly in the workbench vice, ensuring that the grip is accessible and not covered by the vice.

    • 2). Cut the grip currently installed on the club in order to remove. Cut the grip in the direction going down the shaft, away from your body. Remove the old putter grip.

    • 3). Clean the shaft using the cleaning solution and a towel or rag. Allow the shaft to air-dry, or dry using a different towel.

    • 4). Apply the double-sided tape lengthwise down the shaft, along the entire length of the grip. Apply a small amount of solvent to the double-sided tape.

    • 5). Install the grip onto the club by lining it with the shaft and then sliding it down until snug. Allow the solvent to dry for at least three hours before use.


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