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How to Play "StarCraft" Like a Pro

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    • 1). Familiarize yourself with your available characters, items and structures so that you can use them to their full advantage. When you uncover a new perk in the game, explore it to see how it can benefit you. As you advance in the game, you'll discover new abilities. Experiment with them rather than playing it safe.

    • 2). Set financial goals and buy new items as soon as you can afford them. While it can be tempting to save as much money as possible, the money sitting in your account isn't doing you any good. As soon as you have enough to pay for the upgrade you desire, make the necessary purchase so you can begin using that upgrade.

    • 3). Take regular breaks during gameplay to keep your mind fresh. Over time, it's easy to fall into bad habits because you're tired and your eyes are tired. You won't succeed as quickly in "StarCraft" if you are exhausted. Move away from your computer and do something else for a short period before returning to the game.

    • 4). Observe your opponents as much as possible to look for habits and trends. Online multiplayer opponents may come to the game with a pre-determined strategy. If you've played a certain opponent in the past, be wary of what he previously did and expect it to happen again. Even when playing against a computer opponent, watch to see how and when the opponent attacks and see if you notice a trend.

    • 5). Try different strategies as you play the game to see what works and what doesn't. The cliche of "practice makes perfect" is true, especially in video games. During your play, you will learn effective strategies while discovering plans that don't work. Never be afraid to expand out of your comfort zone and try new techniques, as they may lead you to success.


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