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Crafts: Make a Stadium Seat

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Whether it's a chilly set of bleachers at an early morning water polo game or the wooden benches by the baseball field, parental cheering can be tough on the tushy. You'll be a lot more comfortable sitting atop this cushy little DIY stadium seat. This easy, inexpensive project can be whipped up in an afternoon and customized to tout your loyalties with college-print fabrics. It makes a nice addition to your stash of tailgating party supplies too, especially if you use the same fabric for your tailgate napkins.

Here's what you'll need:
  • Two square or rectangular foam pads; this example uses foam that is 1 by 15 by 17 inches.
  • Two pieces of college-print fabric and two of a contrasting print, 2 1/2 inches wider and 2 1/2 inches longer than the foam pads.
  • Grommets and a grommet setting tool
  • 1 yard of 1/2-inch webbing or grosgrain ribbon in a coordinating color


You've got your supplies, now it's time to put these stadium seats together. Here's how:
  1. Trim the pieces of fabric so they're exactly the same size. Make an inch-deep hem all the way around by folding the fabric and, with a hot iron, pressing it into place. You've got a choice at this point. You can sew a running stitch around the borders or use fusible webbing or bonding tape, such as Stitch Witchery, to secure the edges. Or, go the quickie route and simply iron the hem into place.

  1. For the first pillow, pair up a piece of the collegiate fabric and a piece of the coordinating print, wrong sides together, with edges matched neatly. Use a fabric marker or ballpoint pen and mark a dot at each corner, a half inch from the edges. Add three or more dots, evenly spaced, along the long edges and at least two along each short edge. There should be at least 14 dots in all.
  2. Use the grommet tool to punch holes at each dot. The grommets come in pairs, one with a shallow and one with a deeper neck. Thread the deeper-necked grommet part through the first hole; use the point of a closed pair of scissors to widen the hole, if necessary. Make sure it goes through all the layers. Attach the grommet's mate and use the grommet tool to pinch it securely. (Note: The corner grommets will be more difficult because there are more layers to penetrate.)
  3. Work your way around three sides of the fabric. Slide the foam pad inside, then finish the fourth side. Repeat for the remaining foam pad and fabric pieces.
  1. You should now have two fully-covered foam pillows. Cut the webbing or ribbon in half. Thread the end of one piece through a grommet near the top of one pillow - not the corner one, the one at the 3/4 mark. Tie a big knot so it won't pull through. This pillow is going to be the back of the seat. Thread the other end of the ribbon through the same grommet on the other pillow, the seat. Do the same on the opposite side. Tie the knots on the seat cushion so the ribbon supports the back, forming an L-shaped seat when you sit.

That's it! Take it to the big game or tailgate party - or you can give it to someone special. It's so quick, it makes a perfect last minute gift too.


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