What to Expect During Your First Trimester
Pregnancy hormones begin to be released as soon as the baby attaches to the placenta.
You may not be aware of the pregnancy for a few weeks, but things are already beginning to change in your body.
Here are a few signs to watch out for: Cravings and Aversions: Some cravings may be your body's way of letting you know you need more of a key nutrient.
Others may be caused by stress and other factors.
It's the same with aversions, your body knows what it needs and doesn't need.
I remember mine to this day, it took me years to get over some of them.
Morning Sickness: While this problem doesn't occur in every pregnancy, it is a common complaint.
Nausea and vomiting on arising isn't a pleasant way to start the day.
I was told to keep some saltine crackers by my bed and to eat a couple of them before sitting up, and it seemed to help.
Nipple Color: About two months into your first pregnancy, you may notice that your nipples have changed color.
This is a permanent change.
They will go from a pinkish color to a brownish one.
Not all women develop this phenomenon, but most do.
Pelvic Pain: Changes to the bones in the pelvis occur both in the first and the third trimester.
The hip bones may need to turn to support the baby, and in the last trimester, all of the joints in that region become looser to allow passage of the baby's head.
It's best to mention this pain to your doctor, because there are other causes for it and you'll want to rule them out.
Sore Breasts: In order to feed the child after it is born, your breasts have to change.
These changes can be painful, and are often the first indicator that you're pregnant.
You may also notice that they are larger.
That particular change is not lasting.
They will return to their original size after delivery or after weaning the baby.
If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, there are a few things you need to do.
Make sure you are eating properly, remain hydrated and get adequate rest.
You may also want to start taking prenatal vitamins before conception so that your body is prepared.
See your doctor regularly throughout the nine months so that any complications that come up can be dealt with before they become serious.
You may not be aware of the pregnancy for a few weeks, but things are already beginning to change in your body.
Here are a few signs to watch out for: Cravings and Aversions: Some cravings may be your body's way of letting you know you need more of a key nutrient.
Others may be caused by stress and other factors.
It's the same with aversions, your body knows what it needs and doesn't need.
I remember mine to this day, it took me years to get over some of them.
Morning Sickness: While this problem doesn't occur in every pregnancy, it is a common complaint.
Nausea and vomiting on arising isn't a pleasant way to start the day.
I was told to keep some saltine crackers by my bed and to eat a couple of them before sitting up, and it seemed to help.
Nipple Color: About two months into your first pregnancy, you may notice that your nipples have changed color.
This is a permanent change.
They will go from a pinkish color to a brownish one.
Not all women develop this phenomenon, but most do.
Pelvic Pain: Changes to the bones in the pelvis occur both in the first and the third trimester.
The hip bones may need to turn to support the baby, and in the last trimester, all of the joints in that region become looser to allow passage of the baby's head.
It's best to mention this pain to your doctor, because there are other causes for it and you'll want to rule them out.
Sore Breasts: In order to feed the child after it is born, your breasts have to change.
These changes can be painful, and are often the first indicator that you're pregnant.
You may also notice that they are larger.
That particular change is not lasting.
They will return to their original size after delivery or after weaning the baby.
If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, there are a few things you need to do.
Make sure you are eating properly, remain hydrated and get adequate rest.
You may also want to start taking prenatal vitamins before conception so that your body is prepared.
See your doctor regularly throughout the nine months so that any complications that come up can be dealt with before they become serious.