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Why You Get Saggy Skin

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Loose saggy skin is something that no one wants, but many people get.
The question is why.
What causes sagging? Sagging is usually related to the aging process, although premature aging can and does occur in some cases.
Illness or surgery can cause premature aging throughout the body.
Overexposure to sunlight and certain cosmetic ingredients can cause premature skin aging.
Whether the lost firmness is age-related or premature, there are four factors that are involved.
They are decreases in the skin's fatty tissue layer, decreases in the skin's moisture content, decreased production of new skin cells and decreased collagen production.
We look at each of those in more detail below.
Fatty Tissues The skin's fatty tissue layer helps to keep it firm and tight.
When an overweight person loses weight, he or she is left with stretched sagging skin that may slowly tighten up, depending on the person's age.
Older individuals natural lose some of their skin's fatty tissue layer, even without weight loss.
Hormonal changes and decreased nutrient absorption from foods play a role in this fat loss.
Moisture Content The skin's outer cells contain a protein called keratin which has the ability to attract and retain moisture.
Moisture loss can occur as a result of: • Exposure to the wind • Overexposure to sunlight • Exposure to dry heat • The use of drying skincare products • Lack of adequate water intake • Low humidity in temperate climates during winter months • Showering in hot water • The use of harsh cleansers • Failure to use a moisturizer after cleansing As the moisture is sucked out of the skin's cells, they become less tightly packed.
If low moisture content is a chronic problem, the person will eventually see loose saggy skin.
Cellular Production Cellular production is an ongoing process deep within the skin's layers, but production decreases with age.
One of the reasons for the decrease is excessive break down of a key component for cellular production and transfer.
The component is hyaluronic acid.
Not only is hyaluronic acid involved in cellular production and transfer.
It also helps to keep the skin's cells tightly packed and prevent excessive moisture loss.
The low levels of hyaluronic acid that usually accompany the aging process are a major contributor to sagging skin.
Collagen Collagen and elastin fibers are primarily responsible for the skin's firmness.
The fibers become damaged and new ones must be created.
It takes years for the body to create a new collagen fiber and the process becomes even slower with age.
Chronic inflammation is one of the things that can damage and degrade existing collagen fibers.
Researchers believe that chronic inflammation is a problem for many people and is one of the causes of age-related diseases and the visible signs of aging.
Nutritional deficiencies can be involved in decreases collagen production and decreased cellular production.
Collagen, elastin and keratin are simple proteins.
Your body needs amino acids to create them.
So, those are the causes of loose saggy skin.
In my next article, you will learn about the solutions.
See the author box below for more information.

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