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Skin Care- A To Z Of Chemical Peeling- Part 1

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Chemical peeling is one of the popular cosmetic procedures to remove old skin and get a fresh new skin. Chemical peeling is also called derma peeling or chemexfoliation. As the name implies, in this procedure, the skin is peeled off with chemicals and when the new skin grows it is fresh and with lesser sun damage and wrinkles. Depending on the strength of the peeling chemical, the peeling procedure may be called- superficial, medium-depth or deep. The name refers to the depth of the skin to which the chemical peels off the old skin.

The common chemicals used for chemical peeling are alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), trichloroacetic acid and phenol. Your doctor may also choose other chemicals to get the desired result. With superficial peeling, you can go back to work immediately while after getting medium or deep peeling done, you may have to let the new skin grow for some days before you go out. The pain and trouble associated with peeling also depends on the depth to which peeling is done. Superficial peeling will remove fine lines, wrinkles etc. while with deep peeling, deep scars and pre-cancerous sun damage gets removed.

The time taken for chemical peeling can be up to two to three hours for deep peeling, while for superficial and medium depth peeling it may be about fifteen minutes. Medium depth and deep peeling always result in red skin, blisters, and swelling. You should talk to your doctor about all the aspects of the procedure you want to undergo and also the alternative procedures that may give same results. Before you decide to get chemical peeling done, learn more about different types of peeling procedures, how they are performed, the results you can expect and the side effects.
The main types are-

Medium depth and
Deep peels

Cosmetic Skin Procedures> Chemical peeling> Superficial

Mild or superficial peels are carried out with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). These acids are natural in origin but now most of them are being synthetically manufactured. The popular acid for mild peeling is glycolic acid.

Effects Of Mild Peels:

A mild peel is usually done to improve sun damaged skin and reduce roughness, remove dead skin from the skin surface that allows fresh skin to grow faster, remove very fine skin lines, etc. This kind of peeling can only superficially improve the skin appearance by removing the dead skin cells from the uppermost layer of the skin. This treatment also helps in controlling acne. Sometimes, mild peeling is performed to prepare the skin for medium depth or deep peeling. Mixed with bleach, this peel will also treat some uneven pigmentation.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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