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Colloidal Sols Experiments

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    Proof of Plausibility

    • A collaborative effort of various university materials science and medical professors proved the plausibility or very existence of colloid sols. Their research did not seek to confirm the effectiveness of colloid sols in the treatment of disease. Instead, the study compared prior and current research to confirm the plausibility that colloid sols are able to alter the structure of water on a molecular level. This possibility has been dismissed by the scientific and medical community at large due to the absence of scientific evidence. Study results confirm that colloids are indeed suspendable in water due to the molecular structural flexibility of water and the electric charge of the surface atoms of colloids.

    Anti-bacterial Effects of Colloidal Silver

    • Brigham Young University microbiology and molecular biology researchers experimented with a patented colloidal silver, marketed as ASAP, to judge its effectiveness as an anti-microbial. Organisms that result in chronic and debilitating infections were effectively killed within five minutes of exposure to colloidal silver. Organisms include shigella boydii, salmonella Arizona, staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella pneumoniae, enterobacter aerogenes, streptococcus pyogenes, escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus faecalis, haemophilus influenzae, streptococcus gordonii and salmonella typhimurium.

    Effects of Colloidal Gold on Rheumatoid Arthritis

    • According to Dr. Guy Abraham, solutions of gold colloid are able to penetrate human cells and reside in lysosomes at normal body temperature with no resultant cytotoxicity. Guy and colleague Dr. Peter Himmel tested colloidal gold for the relief of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in patients who were significantly disabled and unresponsive to prior treatments. Study results showed that after 24 weeks of oral treatment, all volunteers experienced clinical regression in the form of decreased swelling and joint pain and an eventual return to normal daily activities.

    Colloidal Silver in Conjunction With Pharmaceutical Antibiotics

    • In 2006, Indian microbiologists Deshmukh Meghshree and Zeenal Shah isolated seven disease-causing organisms including escherichia coli, pseudomonas aeruginosa, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, candida albicans, shigella flexneri, salmonella typhi and bacillus subtillus. All were allowed to grow on agar plates and were subsequently exposed to 19 antibiotics to test for resistance. Of the seven, pseudomonas aeruginosa showed complete resistance to sole treatment with all 19 antibiotics. The other organisms showed varying degrees of sensitivity. However, when antibiotic treatment was combined with silver colloid solution, resistant organisms were eradicated.


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