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Plane Warts Symptoms And Treatment

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A plane wart which is also called verruca plana is a flat growth that commonly forms on your facial skin and legs.
Just like many other types of warts, a plane or flat wart is caused by the Human Papilloma virus.
However, you need to note that HPV has hundreds of strains and some of them cause verruca plana.
In their later stages of growth, these lesions are not only itchy but they can also be painful.
Another thing about them is that they can sometimes form in groups on your arms, hands, and face.
Unlike other hard warts, planas are soft and round.
Since they grow on your face most of the times, the majority of the victims are unable to live with them.
Besides, living with these tiny lesions can be dangerous because of their highly contagious characteristic.
They can be passed to other people very easily through skin contact.
Additionally, HPV is able to live in moist places for several weeks, especially in swimming pools and public shower rooms.
More to the point, the virus can also be spread to the other parts of your skin through scratching.
When you scratch the sick areas, you are advised to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid infecting yourself further and other people.
If your warty lumps are feeling pain, the best measure you can take right now is to visit your doctor.
He or she is able to detect the cause of the pain as well as prescribing the right methods of treatment.
Plane warts are easily detected by doctors and you should not live with them any longer.
Facial verruca plana is not easy to treat because of the fear of causing scarring.
Most people are able to live with one or two of these ugly things hoping that one day they would go away.
They usually go away when left untreated but this natural curing method can take a longer time than expected.
If you would rather keep a few face scars than live with these horrible growths, you can go ahead and have them removed.
At home, there are few things you could do.
For instance, you can cover the wart with a duct tape for an entire week.
After this, soak it in water and massage with a rough object to remove the dead skin.
Then leave it dry and uncovered for a few hours.
One treatment is not enough to remove the entire lump.
You need to repeat the procedure many more times until it works.
Another popular way of getting rid of these lesions is using creams and gels.
They are used together with medicated plasters meant for warts' treatment.
The creams or gels contain salicylic acid mainly, which eats away the dead outer layer of the lesion.
If the condition is on your face, you may want to ask your doctor to prescribe the best gels and creams to use.
This is particularly important if you have a very sensitive skin or are pregnant.
These forms of cure can take several months before they eliminate your plane warts.

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