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Michigan Summer Programs for Troubled Children

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    Midcourse Correction Challenge Camps

    • The Midcourse Correction Challenge Camp is based in Otisville, Michigan. It offers a boot-camp type experience for at-risk children and is staffed by highly-trained professionals with more than 30 years of combined experience in the field. The goal of the challenge camp is to provide kids with the wake-up they need to stop self-destructive patterns in their lives. The program is structured as a 46-hour training with daily calisthenics, high-adventure ropes courses, marching, teamwork initiatives and work projects. Children must be between 11 and 17 years of age (18 year-old children will be admitted if they are still in school). Cost of the camp is $435 per weekend.

      Midcourse Correction

      7015 Fieldcrest

      Suite 150

      Brighton, MI 48116-8547


      (See References 1)

    Airborne Challenge

    • The Airborne Challenge Experience is a 48-hour challenge camp for troubled children who are beginning to go down the wrong path. The camp is based in Farmington Hills, Michigan. The program teaches kids to distinguish between productive and non-productive thinking patterns that can affect the rest of their lives. Activities include high ropes, drills, physical training and community service. All staff are trained in CPR and first aid. Applications must be completed online (See References 2).

    Van Buren Youth Camp

    • The Van Buren Youth Camp is located in Bloomingdale, Michigan and has been in existence since 1950. The camp offers summer programs for children and teens, helping them develop leadership skills, personal growth, self-confidence and teamwork responsibilities. Activities include swimming, boating, canoeing, crafts, archery, sports, initiatives, folk dancing and singing. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.

      Van Buren Youth Camp

      12370 45th St.

      Bloomingdale, Michigan 49026


      (See References 3)


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