Skin Treatments
Entrust Skinovate to effectively treat your skin; to enhance your natural appearance with clearer, healthier skin tone and condition.
Acne Conditions
Skinovate provides an extensive range of specialised skin treatments to effectively treat all acne conditions including Infected Acne, Blocked Pores, Blackheads and Whiteheads.
Pigmentation and Freckle Removal
Skinovate also provides specialised treatments to remove freckles, reducefine scarring, lighten skin pigmentation or simply to improve your overall skin texture and tone.
Using custom-made high or sensitive strength prescription creams, skin-fading peels and various types of lasers, Skinovates experienced staff will design a program to fade away superficial pigment spots, deeper widespread facial pigmentation, pigmented scars and hormonal pigmentation.
Most skin treatments are conducted by our fully-qualified cosmetic therapists. A doctor (cosmetic physician) is also available to treat more serious conditions if needed.
Skinovates expertise and know-how is unrivalled. We use the latest range of leading technologies and apply industry best practices for you to feel safe in trusting Skinovate to care for your skin.
Smooth Skin Treatments
Refine, rejuvenate and smooth your skin in complete comfort.
Skinovate was a pioneer of Microdermabrasion in Melbourne in the late nineties and is now still a leader in Microdermabrasion skin treatments.
The newest Crystal Free Microdermabrasion removes the dead cell layer on the top of your skin and polishes the surface. The dead cells are extracted using a vacuum leaving your skin feeling and looking incredibly smooth and soft.
The next step in this new therapy is to infuse your skin with rejuvenation vitamins for skin renewal with the all new Sonophoresis (sound wave) technology which has the most pleasant and relaxing feel while being perfomed. This new second part to your treatment will give your skin immediate smoothing and ongoing freshness and vitality.
Skin PeelsSkin Treatments
Skin Peels are effective in the skin treatmentsof freckle (s) removal, fine scarring reduction, acne reduction, skin pigmentation lightening or to generally improve your skin texture, functionality and feel.
Skinovate Skin Peels can be performed on any part of the body, but most commonly on the face, upper chest and back of hands.
Skinovate offers the complete range of products and depth of peels to leave you with skin that is healthier, fresher, tighter and more evenly toned.
Skinovate provides Skin Peels at two levels:
1.Surface (superficial) Skin Peels
2.Medium Depth Skin Peels
1. Surface Skin PeelsSkin Treatments
The solution used for these types of skin treatments is a mixture of acids, including alpha and betahydroxy acids, commonly used for chemical peeling particularly to lighten pigmentation and refine pores.
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are a group of naturally occurring substances, often referred to as fruit acids because they are found naturally in various fruits. The acid with the smallest molecular size is Glycolic Acid, which occurs naturally in sugar cane and is often used on its own for light chemical peeling. Beta hydroxy acids are oil soluble and penetrate deeper into the pores for excellent cleansing especially for oily and acne prone skin and pigmentation.
Skinovate has developed its own Skniovate Peel formula used only by us for clearer smoother skin.
2. Medium Depth Skin Peelsskin Treatments
These Skin treatments are exactly what it says it is real peeling of the skin using a strong chemical (skin acid). A chemical peel literally removes the outer layers of the skin.
Peeling will reduce fine wrinkling, scaly patches, rough skin (keratoses), most brown marks, freckles and pigmentation (such as age and liver spots).
It the safest and most effective on the face and hands. Arms and legs can be peeled but the results less predictable.
Acne Conditions
Skinovate provides an extensive range of specialised skin treatments to effectively treat all acne conditions including Infected Acne, Blocked Pores, Blackheads and Whiteheads.
Pigmentation and Freckle Removal
Skinovate also provides specialised treatments to remove freckles, reducefine scarring, lighten skin pigmentation or simply to improve your overall skin texture and tone.
Using custom-made high or sensitive strength prescription creams, skin-fading peels and various types of lasers, Skinovates experienced staff will design a program to fade away superficial pigment spots, deeper widespread facial pigmentation, pigmented scars and hormonal pigmentation.
Most skin treatments are conducted by our fully-qualified cosmetic therapists. A doctor (cosmetic physician) is also available to treat more serious conditions if needed.
Skinovates expertise and know-how is unrivalled. We use the latest range of leading technologies and apply industry best practices for you to feel safe in trusting Skinovate to care for your skin.
Smooth Skin Treatments
Refine, rejuvenate and smooth your skin in complete comfort.
Skinovate was a pioneer of Microdermabrasion in Melbourne in the late nineties and is now still a leader in Microdermabrasion skin treatments.
The newest Crystal Free Microdermabrasion removes the dead cell layer on the top of your skin and polishes the surface. The dead cells are extracted using a vacuum leaving your skin feeling and looking incredibly smooth and soft.
The next step in this new therapy is to infuse your skin with rejuvenation vitamins for skin renewal with the all new Sonophoresis (sound wave) technology which has the most pleasant and relaxing feel while being perfomed. This new second part to your treatment will give your skin immediate smoothing and ongoing freshness and vitality.
Skin PeelsSkin Treatments
Skin Peels are effective in the skin treatmentsof freckle (s) removal, fine scarring reduction, acne reduction, skin pigmentation lightening or to generally improve your skin texture, functionality and feel.
Skinovate Skin Peels can be performed on any part of the body, but most commonly on the face, upper chest and back of hands.
Skinovate offers the complete range of products and depth of peels to leave you with skin that is healthier, fresher, tighter and more evenly toned.
Skinovate provides Skin Peels at two levels:
1.Surface (superficial) Skin Peels
2.Medium Depth Skin Peels
1. Surface Skin PeelsSkin Treatments
The solution used for these types of skin treatments is a mixture of acids, including alpha and betahydroxy acids, commonly used for chemical peeling particularly to lighten pigmentation and refine pores.
Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are a group of naturally occurring substances, often referred to as fruit acids because they are found naturally in various fruits. The acid with the smallest molecular size is Glycolic Acid, which occurs naturally in sugar cane and is often used on its own for light chemical peeling. Beta hydroxy acids are oil soluble and penetrate deeper into the pores for excellent cleansing especially for oily and acne prone skin and pigmentation.
Skinovate has developed its own Skniovate Peel formula used only by us for clearer smoother skin.
2. Medium Depth Skin Peelsskin Treatments
These Skin treatments are exactly what it says it is real peeling of the skin using a strong chemical (skin acid). A chemical peel literally removes the outer layers of the skin.
Peeling will reduce fine wrinkling, scaly patches, rough skin (keratoses), most brown marks, freckles and pigmentation (such as age and liver spots).
It the safest and most effective on the face and hands. Arms and legs can be peeled but the results less predictable.