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How to Buy Espresso Machine

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If you're one of those people whose morning can't start without coffee, choosing an espresso machine can be a wise investment. It can be a huge cost saving too. Instead of buying espresso from cafe, you can make it your home at very cheap price. Home-made espresso will set you back less than a dollar per cup.
Price of espresso makers can vary from $100 to $3000. It depends upon type of espresso machine, features and technical complexity.
Espresso makers can be categorized into four categories; manual, semi-automatic, automatic and super-automatic. If you want some amount of control on the quality of your espresso then choose the semi-automatic or manual models. With manual or semi automatic you need to some hard work but you can get best coffee out of it. If you are just learning the ropes then an automatic or super-automatic machines is best for you. Super automatic is one touch machine. You don't need to do anything. You can get espresso with just a button touch.
With semi automatic espresso machine you need to have a separate grinder. You can use grounded coffee too but that's not a recommendation. We recommends you to freshly grind your coffee beans. Super-automatic espresso maker have grinder attached to machine itself. You just put beans directly inside hopper. Super-automatic will do rest of things by itself. It will grind, temp, brew etc.
Features to look for while buying a espresso machine
Bypass doser
This feature only applies to automatic machines that grind as well as brew. If you want to use a different coffee type such a cappuccino than what is already in the grinder hopper, you can use the bypass doser to change coffee type.
Water Filter
Modern espresso machines are coming with built-in water filters that help to filter iron tastes and extra chlorine or other chemicals from your tap water. This feature is helpful when water department mixes extra chlorine to purify water.
Hot Water Dispenser
some machines come with a hot water dispenser. It's a very handy little feature. If you want hot water for your kitchen, you can get it directly from your espresso machine. No need to use any other appliance to get hot water.
Pod Compatible
Pods are pre-packed discs of coffee grounds. They make espresso preparation hassle free. No need of grinder, no need of pre-grounded coffee. Just buy pods from local store.

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