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7 Important Tips for Simple and Efficient Cupcakes Making Process

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Another tips on how to make cupcakes will not going to hurt you right? So here are 7 tips for simple and efficient cupcakes making process

1. Use utensils as little as possible

Avoid using too much utensil when making cupcakes. If you make cupcakes with lots of utensils you will end up with many dirty utensils that need to be washed and that usually will ruin your mood the next time you want to make cupcakes.

There is no need to put the ingredients in different bowls because eventually all the ingredients will be mixed into to make the batter. To conserve the use of bowls you can measure the amount of sugar and butter directly in the mixer bowl and just use 1 bowl to measure ingredients, wash the bowl immediately after measuring one ingredient and use it to measure the next ingredient.

2. Prioritizing dry ingredients at the beginning and the end

When mixing the liquid ingredients with dry ingredients try at start it and end it with dry ingredients for a better result.

3. Maximize the speed of the mixer in the final seconds

Turn on the mixer at maximum speed in the last 5 seconds when you mix the cupcake ingredients.

4. Mix the ingredients gradually

You should mix the cupcake's ingredients little by little. It will make the batter more evenly. This technique will give you a better result than if you immediately pour all the ingredients and mix it with the mixer.

5. Measure out the batter that you will pour into the cupcake cups

Use the same amount of batter into each cupcake cup. Consistency is the key for great cupcakes. This is really important if you want to successfully make cupcakes. If the batter does not even in each cups it will cause the cupcakes not done at the same time when you baking it. Use ice cream spoon for a simple but work solution.

6. Use best quality ingredients

Would you like to make cupcakes that taste great? Well, it is not a secret that in order to make a cupcake with great taste you should also use the best ingredients.

7. Make sure your cupcake is perfectly baked

The trick to check whether your cupcake already done or not is not difficult. You only need to press the cupcakes which just come out from the oven and if the surface of the cupcake that you press back into its original shape it means that your cupcake is cooked. Do not be fooled by the top of the cupcake that feels sticky when it comes out from the oven and lead you to think that your cupcakes is not done yet. It is a common miss perception since the top of the cupcake will actually cook after a few minutes later.

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