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The Best Face Moisturizer For Dry Skin May Not Be What You Think

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Let's face it.
Every company will try and convince you that the formula they have developed is the best face moisturizer for dry skin, but few products are capable of living up to the billing.
The bulk of the skin care formulas currently on the market lack the sort of ingredients that are necessary for truly moisturizing and revitalizing your skin.
They are actually mostly made up of synthetic compounds.
Most people know that it is natural skin care formulas that produce healthy, younger looking skin, but many are being duped into buying products that contain less than effective ingredients.
The cosmetics industry is largely self regulated, and the little input that agencies such as the U.
Food and Drug Administration have has largely been stalled by the courts.
This allows the cosmetics companies to put anything that they want to in your skin care formulas.
The cosmetics companies can label their supposed best face moisturizer for dry skin as a natural product, even though 90% of the formula is made up of chemical agents.
A lot of the formulas that you see offer the wrinkle reduction compounds collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, and the petroleum based mineral oil, paraffin wax, and petrolatum.
These inferior compounds are what count as the natural part of the product.
Collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid compounds are derived from animals, so they are in fact natural.
The only problem that you run into with these components is that all three of them are too molecularly dense for your skin to be able to absorb them.
All that these compounds do for you is give the illusion of smoother skin, by binding water to the skin's surface.
The petroleum based moisturizers in a so-called best face moisturizer for dry skin, are not really natural at all.
They are derivatives of a byproduct of the crude oil production process, so it is a human act, and not nature that produce them.
These compounds will not effectively moisturize your skin, and in fact cause the sebaceous glands to lower the production of your skin's natural oil.
As for the chemical agents that make up the rest of the products, most of them are considered potentially harmful to your health.
Studies have shown that the majority of the chemical agents commonly used in skin care formulas are either toxic to your system, or carcinogenic.
The use of these chemical compounds has actually been banned in some parts of the world, but they are still present in the formulas that most of us are using.
In order to have the best face moisturizer for dry skin, you have to ensure that the product you are buying is 100% all natural.
Compounds such as active Manuka honey, Babassu wax, avocado oil, Phytessence Wakame, and the protein and enzyme combination Cynergy TK are the most effective ingredients for healing your skin.
These compounds supply your skin with everything that it needs.
Now that you know all this, be extremely careful what you put on your skin because it is natural compounds that make up the best face moisturizer for dry skin.
Don't settle for anything less.
You can learn more insights by visiting my web site and discovering more natural ingredients I personally use daily.

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