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Body Lift ProceduresArm And Thigh Lift Surgery In India

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As we age, our skin looses elasticity. Dramatic weight loss and gravity are some other reasons for skin to loose elasticity. Body lift procedures are done to reverse the effects of aging and improve the shape and tone of underlying tissue supporting fat and skin.

Arm lift and thigh lift are the body lift procedures commonly done to improve appearance and enhance self confidence. Before undergoing arm and thigh lifts, one must look deeper into the benefits and risks associated with body lift procedures.

Arm and thigh lifts

Arm lift also known as brachioplasty removes excess skin and fat between underarm and elbow. It reshapes the arm into smoother skin and youthful contours. The procedure entails making an incision along the inner arm extending from armpit to the elbow. The skin is separated from the underlying fat and muscle and excess skin is removed.

For thigh lift, incision is made along inner thigh area extending from inner knee to groin. Sometimes incision is also made along the femoral line or buttock fold. The excessive skin is then carefully removed.

Before undergoing arm and thigh lift, one must get medical consultation with the cosmetic surgeon. The surgeon will explain the number of available options to achieve best results from arm and thigh lift surgery. One must carefully ascertain whether the skin is prone to keloid formation from scarring or not.

Like other surgeries, arm and thigh lift have some benefits and risks. Although the results of arm and thigh lift are permanent and very satisfying, yet there are some risks attached with the surgery. For instance, there could be possible complications such as infection, haematoma or keloid formation. The benefits however outweigh these complications and give long lasting effects of tissue firmness, presentable appearance and youthful body contours.

Arm lift and thigh lift can also be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as tummy tuck abdomen and liposuction depending upon the individual preferences and surgeons opinion.

Arm and thigh lift is very popular cosmetic surgery procedure among westerners but the cost of the cosmetic surgery is much higher in western countries. For instance, arm and thigh lifts together cost approximately 9500 or approximately 14, 500 USD in UK whereas the two surgeries in India cost as less as 5000 USD. Thus one is supposed to pay a third of what one would pay in western countries.

With rise of medical tourism, India has become a sought after destinations for cosmetic surgery procedures. Every year many people come to India for cosmetic procedures because of numerous reasons. To name a few, the health care facilities in India are comparable with any other world class facility, the surgeons are board certified and highly experienced in India and the hospitals in India are among the best hospitals in the world.

IndiCure is one of the best medical tourism companies for plastic surgery procedures in India. The company associates with best of cosmetic surgeons in India and offers huge discounts on cosmetic procedures.

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