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2 Recipes for a Derby Cocktail

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Not one, but two versions of the Derby Cocktail are included here. The name 'derby' has been given to a number of cocktails (including this gin-based Derby), though given the relation to the Kentucky Derby, bourbon is the most popular base spirit as these recipes demonstrate.

As for the recipes below, they are two completely different versions with one being more of a Manhattan style and the other a decidedly more sour drink. The sour recipe comes from one of Trader Vic's bartending guides, the Bartender's Guide from 1947, though even he could not agree on one Derby recipe because the book includes three different Derby Cocktails. All of the Derby cocktails I've had are well crafted and great drinks. Which you choose may simply depend on your mood at any given time.

See Also

Creole Cocktail

Frisco Sour

Blind Pilot Cocktail


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