Supply Before The Need
I was doing our accounts one morning wondering how to cover the bills for that day.
It was an all too familiar scene, one I had grown tired of years before and thought had "healed," but was now playing again.
Then an interesting "coincidence" occurred.
The Bible phrase, "Look up, not down for the fields are white with harvest" popped into my mind.
Without thinking, I glanced up to see my bird friend hopping on our porch.
A few weeks earlier he had started to show up looking for food.
He hunted and pecked and I know didn't find much.
So we bought a bird feeder, hung it up above his head and waited.
Almost a week later he still was hunting and pecking on the ground while an entire bounty of wealth hung right above him.
"Look up - not down" I wanted to shout at him.
Actually, I really wanted to shout at myself: "Hello, what are you missing this time?" Then a second bird showed up and happily flew straight to the feeder, and spent the next 5 minutes stuffing himself with what we had provided for his use.
What was the difference between those two birds? It was their point of view.
Would you imagine with me that we know what a bird is thinking and that the first bird's point of view was that the only food possible was on the ground.
Of course his point of view would be, "Why look up?" The second bird's point of view was that food could be anywhere, including above the ground.
A week later while walking around town doing errands I found myself thinking like this," Let's see, if I take this money and put it here, and then wait to do this, than that will make that work...
" Have you ever had this discussion with yourself? I thought of the two birds and asked myself what was my point of view.
The answer was immediately obvious - I was thinking that supply is provided after the need, and that creative manipulation was probably a very good skill that I possessed.
Shocked at discovering my point of view, I realized that I had accepted the suggestion from the one lie that does not want us to discover Truth, that Divine Love does not supply what we need before we need it.
I know I am not alone in accepting this lie at times - witness the picture of the joblessness, poverty, and extreme credit card debt found even in "wealthy" countries.
I needed to be more accurate in my thinking as every day demands an increased awareness of what is True, or Spiritual Perception, and what is not true.
However, isn't it time for all of us to be more accurate in our thinking and actively change our point of view? We could simply start by knowing that supply comes before the need and not be swayed from this point of view no matter what circumstances may suggest.
Do that now.
However, why not go all the way and understand that there is never any need at all in omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience, omniaction Divine Love.
And while we are at it, why not expand that point of view to include every aspect of what appears as human experience.
The object of this shift of perception is not to create supply, for supply is ever-present; it is to know and understand God, which is supply.
We can be creative in applying this point of view at all times and observe the result.
You and I know it will be more than we can imagine, and it always involves looking up from the belief of not enough, and seeing the Truth of this promise, "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer.
" Isaiah, 65:24, Bible `````````````````````
It was an all too familiar scene, one I had grown tired of years before and thought had "healed," but was now playing again.
Then an interesting "coincidence" occurred.
The Bible phrase, "Look up, not down for the fields are white with harvest" popped into my mind.
Without thinking, I glanced up to see my bird friend hopping on our porch.
A few weeks earlier he had started to show up looking for food.
He hunted and pecked and I know didn't find much.
So we bought a bird feeder, hung it up above his head and waited.
Almost a week later he still was hunting and pecking on the ground while an entire bounty of wealth hung right above him.
"Look up - not down" I wanted to shout at him.
Actually, I really wanted to shout at myself: "Hello, what are you missing this time?" Then a second bird showed up and happily flew straight to the feeder, and spent the next 5 minutes stuffing himself with what we had provided for his use.
What was the difference between those two birds? It was their point of view.
Would you imagine with me that we know what a bird is thinking and that the first bird's point of view was that the only food possible was on the ground.
Of course his point of view would be, "Why look up?" The second bird's point of view was that food could be anywhere, including above the ground.
A week later while walking around town doing errands I found myself thinking like this," Let's see, if I take this money and put it here, and then wait to do this, than that will make that work...
" Have you ever had this discussion with yourself? I thought of the two birds and asked myself what was my point of view.
The answer was immediately obvious - I was thinking that supply is provided after the need, and that creative manipulation was probably a very good skill that I possessed.
Shocked at discovering my point of view, I realized that I had accepted the suggestion from the one lie that does not want us to discover Truth, that Divine Love does not supply what we need before we need it.
I know I am not alone in accepting this lie at times - witness the picture of the joblessness, poverty, and extreme credit card debt found even in "wealthy" countries.
I needed to be more accurate in my thinking as every day demands an increased awareness of what is True, or Spiritual Perception, and what is not true.
However, isn't it time for all of us to be more accurate in our thinking and actively change our point of view? We could simply start by knowing that supply comes before the need and not be swayed from this point of view no matter what circumstances may suggest.
Do that now.
However, why not go all the way and understand that there is never any need at all in omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience, omniaction Divine Love.
And while we are at it, why not expand that point of view to include every aspect of what appears as human experience.
The object of this shift of perception is not to create supply, for supply is ever-present; it is to know and understand God, which is supply.
We can be creative in applying this point of view at all times and observe the result.
You and I know it will be more than we can imagine, and it always involves looking up from the belief of not enough, and seeing the Truth of this promise, "And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer.
" Isaiah, 65:24, Bible `````````````````````