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What Is The Future Of Medicine?

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It's obvious that in the area of the medical field we have made great progress over past years but what does the future show in furthering the path? Cancer patients have great hope.
We're not able to predict a cure however, it seems likely that the idea of narrowly targeting strikes against tumor cells is going to offer some huge results.
By focusing on these cells we can wipe out their ability to spread and deteriorate our bodies allowing for a much more positive prognosis.
This idea of targeted therapy is also progressing in the psychiatric arena.
Devising treatments for specific subtypes of depression rather than continuing with the idea that one form fits all.
Over more recent years we've been made aware of the area of stem cell research and the human genome.
This has created an era in which doctors test genes to determine the benefits from a particular form of treatment.
The significance of proteome will also be huge in our future.
These active protein molecules are the force behind a tremendous amount of our bodies abilities or lack of.
Intense study of them paves the way for all sorts of progress in medicine.
Don't expect your computer to be taking a nap while the worlds progressing.
Computer Aided Learning is becoming tremendous in the Medical Field Anatomical atlases are already available.
These are magnificent in learning and understanding the human anatomy.
There are even such variation in this technology as the surgical rehearsal.
This is an interactive applications and it's potential phenomenal.
This truly defines the term "higher education".
The crossover from diagnostic databases is also a highly useful additive to our health.
Having our entire medical history readily available will ensure that each doctor we see will have a direct knowledge of our own individual body and be able to determine any form of treatment more appropriately.
There is so much potential for our future health and these are just a few of the miraculous strides we are taking for our health.

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